samsung La22c350 had miss tune problem.

imran khan
07/01/2013 06:48
Samsung LA22C350
I have a problem in samsung l.c.d that continue drifting aft voltage from tunner and its goes miss tune and retune on the same chanel or
programe continue. May be tunner it self faulty? or any thing other from the board.i have found tuner data the link below

07/01/2013 09:00
Можно для начала пропаять выводы тюнера на плате,в сервисе обнулить эпром...

imran khan
12/01/2013 12:44
Can you figure out in detail?
Samsung had this kind of faults

13/01/2013 08:39
How can you try to repair not knowing the simplest? RadioTOP Rambler's Top100 –ейтинг