SONY KLV-32T550A had problem some times

imran khan
09/01/2013 20:19
Had problems good without sound no audio
2.System Hang after 3 to 5 min running.
3.some times hangs R.C and front panel when chanage chanals with tac sound and also picture wash out with laft side broken imgae type.

Its looks frimware or els?

09/01/2013 20:53
System hang is frimware problem.So some times hangs R.C and front panel and picture wash out..Change frimware and .

imran khan
09/01/2013 20:59
Ok, where i found firmware software?

09/01/2013 21:15
Сan anyone have it-asking...(not everyone understands you-what is a problem).

09/01/2013 21:22
Does anyone on the forum has access to the site office, ask them.

Иван Зенин
09/01/2013 21:45
imran khan, а я думаю ПО здесь не причём. Возможно звуковой процессор по шине не отвечает, вот и зависает телек.Состав бы выложил,легче общаться было бы.

imran khan
09/01/2013 22:02
You are right, might be the bus chain command does not addresing micon with sound processor?

Иван Зенин
09/01/2013 22:06
Yes,exactly this I had in view of.

imran khan
09/01/2013 22:49
I very much like you people and i like to laern russain

imran khan
09/01/2013 23:44
And yes frimware will help me if problem remain.

imran khan
10/01/2013 02:53
I visited many web sites of the world, but really you boys did very good job here,
hates off классно!

10/01/2013 16:53
A fix-it will be?

imran khan
10/01/2013 19:38
Where i found frimware software of above model or any similer one?

11/01/2013 01:51
imran khan, make a topic in accordance with the rules of otherwise, the topic will be deleted.

imran khan
11/01/2013 04:14
Thanks for link
I am posting regarding the issue of tv,This was my luck that same models came to my work shop this month,the first one fix by replacing the subsitute tuner
The 2nd one came with freezing fault,i post photos of above fault too
Now i did the every trick in 2 days what all friend say but its hard luck to remain unsolve mistry.
I want to upgrade frimware but could not find it.
A friend of mine in sony company says you should replace the main board and its cost PKR 10,000

Иван Зенин
11/01/2013 13:57
It's easy'st way.

imran khan
11/01/2013 16:46
Idont like board replacement,you all gather here for component lelevel repair and very few people did this job..Hates off to you all. браво!

11/01/2013 17:29
Google turns translating nonsence.Especially Hates off to you all.

imran khan
11/01/2013 20:39
Caps off i mean to say
Google Translation not too good.
Set fix by using dump of 32s550a
And reballing method on main chip.
I will up load video

imran khan
11/01/2013 23:11
i want to up load faulted tv video and after repaired tv video,please let me know where i can. RadioTOP Rambler's Top100 –ейтинг