# DEMO SCRIPT FOR EMMC # Select mode... # Mode for eMMC can be changed to CARDREADER and back dynamically MODE EMMC # - postal usb-device is selected as working device INIT # - Performs complex start-up action accordingly checkboxes of interface. # - eMMC must be in "standby-mode" after this and ready for commands. STATUS # - Performs command "check status", show results PAUSE # - Show dialog to continue or exit script, script can be revised/changed. # - Now setup to read user-partition via tokens... TOKEN (7) 00 01 00 00 RESPONSE # - send standard 48-bit eMMC-token, command 7 - "select", 0001 - RCA. # - any decimal must be (xxx), otherwise - 2-digit bytes, spaced or not. # - "response" need to flush response data before next command, if not data. # - "response" for standard 48 bit can be omitted - will be used by default. # - last byte of token is CRC7, added automatically. # - after "INIT" can be used also: # SEL_CMD7 1 # - eMMC can be selected to transfer state with short command also. DELAY (200) # - Performs "sleep" in mS, max 10 Sec. # - after "INIT" can be used: # SELPART 0 # - Partition 0 will be selected (but 0 is default, not need to select) SET_BLOCK_SIZE_512 # - send command 16 (size is 512 bytes always). FORCE_ACCESSMODE_SECTOR # - Set internal variable of software (checkbox) to work with sectors. FORCE_MULTISECTOR_RW # - Set internal variable of software to work with commands cmd18/cmd25. DESTINATION "backup_dump.bin" OFFSET 0 # - Setup destination file for command "read". READ OFFSET 0 SIZE 0x100000 # - Will be read 1MByte from eMMC to file. 0x100000 = 1048576(bytes). # - eMMC will stay in transfer state...