==== Detailed description ========== MODE - first command of script body, "MODE EMMC" for eMMC INIT - first command after "mode emmc", uses series of emmc-tokens to achieve "standby-mode", full analog of "Set ISP" button. Can be preceded by "force_accessmode_byte/sector", otherwise visual setup from page "emmc" will be used. When scripts run in series, first script may contain "init", but next may not contain "init" because status of emmc will not change from previous. TOKEN - standard emmc-token, contains 8 bytes, hex without "0x" by default, but can use decimal numbers with parentheses - useful for first byte as command number. Will use standard response by default. Need use NORESP when data transfer expected after, or RESPLONG for 136-bit answer. Last byte is dummy, will be changed to CRC automatically. DESTINATION,DEST - define FILE or SCREEN for READ or "DATA READ" keywords. When FILE, next may be filename in quotes, when filename is absent - will use previous set. Next keyword may be OFFSET with 64-bit hex-number, when absent - will use current offset (or null). Offset will be incremented accordingly data operations. SOURCE,SRC - define FILE or DIRECT for WRITE or "DATA WRITE" keywords. When FILE, next may be filename in quotes, when filename is absent - will use previous set. Next keyword may be OFFSET with 64-bit hex-number, when absent - will use current offset (or null). Offset will be incremented accordingly data operations. FORCE_ACCESSMODE_BYTE - immediately change access mode to byte, internal. FORCE_ACCESSMODE_SECTOR - immediately change access mode to sector, internal. FORCE_MULTISECTOR_RW - immediately change r/w mode, internal. FORCE_SINGLESECTOR_RW - immediately change r/w mode, internal. READ - multitoken command for huge data processing. Next may be OFFSET with 64-bit hex-number, when absent - will use current offset (or null). Next keyword is SIZE with 64-bit hex-number - presence is mandatory. WRITE - multitoken command for huge data processing. Next may be OFFSET with 64-bit hex-number, when absent - will use current offset (or null). Next keyword is SIZE with 64-bit hex-number - presence is mandatory. PAUSE,DELAY - proceed pause with number in ms (may be decimal). When number is absent - messagebox will be used, where script can be aborted also. STATUS - single command to receive status from emmc. SELPART - select partition with number, provided for convenience. SEL_CMD7 - select to active for convenience. SET_BLOCK_SIZE_512 - select sector size 512 for convenience. STOP - terminate script. DATA - low level operation on data-line, must be preceded by corresponding token with "noresp" at the end. Next must be mandatory "read" or "write" keyword. Next must be mandatory "size" keyword with decimal number or hex-number marked "0x". CRC - next must be "on" or "off", enable or disable crc-check, internal. CRC_CHECK_ENABLE - same as "crc on" CRC_CHECK_DISABLE - same as "crc off" ==== Rules ========= 1. All text translates to capital letters internally. 2. All delimiters can be space, filename in quotes "myfile.bin", offset and size for eMMC are 64-bit, therefore must be hexadecimal even for low sizes. But for "DATA" - size is decimal number by default. 3. One string can contain one full command with parameters for this command. 4. Comments are "#","//",";" at the beginning of the string. 5. Data for read from script must be started from the next string.