IR(0xe31cdf00) >Ir:0xe31cdf00 Ir_match. wake PwNum:0x1mcu Power_En Hi EMCU final! $ Hello world, 289x!{uni}[WEI] svn:2e0c051da5179f38 (Oct 24 2017 14:06:42) flash_type = 2, secure_type = 2 b8062204=0 [no kb] enable_scpu_clk 284 "#$ U-Boot 2012.07-branches/Kvant_BBK/2861_kvant_bbk_190505_svn21023/bootcode-svn21960 (Oct 04 2019 - 14:38:40) r- Mac Address use 7c:82:74:54:32:f8 in factory_ro [ENV] Writing to Factory... factory_tarsize = 0x20800 [FAC] factory_save: MMC [FAC] Save to eMMC (blk#:0xe000, buf:0x23900000, len:0x20a00) [FAC] Save to eMMC (seq#:0x14, pp:1) partition not exist done Factory Address:0x1800000, Size:0x800000! Factory Read Only Address:0x1000000, Size:0x10000! anel_filename NULL>>>>>>>>>> [Warning] the 4K2k VBY1 panel selected by user !!! Panel: LG_4K2K_600M_VBY1_1Seg8Port.h [WARN] para_no is 44 > 32. Clear more pcb_parameter env. [WARNING] NO CHECK BISR FLOW! logbuf fifo[0] [buffer=1ca0e000], [size=10000] logbuf fifo[1] [buffer=1ca1e000], [size=2000] logbuf fifo[2] [buffer=1ca20000], [size=10000] logbuf fifo[3] [buffer=1ca30000], [size=10000] logbuf fifo[4] [buffer=1ca40000], [size=10000] logbuf fifo[5] [buffer=1ca50000], [size=20000] logbuf fifo[6] [buffer=1ca70000], [size=10000] SCPU2: BISR hold remap SCPU2: BISR ok 0 In: serial Out: serial Err: serial console init ok Net: r8168: REALTEK RTL8168 @0x18016000 GetBootParamSNPSupport panel_init_1st 0529_1022 GetBootParamSNPSupport GetBootParamSNPSupport name=PIN_OTP_POWER_INFO ppcb_enum.Name=PIN_OTP_POWER_INFO, [OTP][WARNING]Arm_tz_enable otp_value = 0x3! [OTP][WARNING]Secure_rbus otp_value = 0x3! Hit Esc or Tab key to enter console mode or rescue linux: 0 ------------can't find tmp/factory/recovery Start Boot Setup ... FW Table to 0x0e900000, size=0x00000c00 (0x0e900c00) FW Table fr 0x02000000, fw count: 70 [OK] fw_entry[0] offset = 0x8000 length = 0x17a0100 (paddings = 0x1c00000) act_size = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[1] offset = 0x1c08000 length = 0x21c860 (paddings = 0x500000) act_size = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[2] offset = 0x2108000 length = 0x4a8b00 (paddings = 0x600000) act_size = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[3] offset = 0x2708000 length = 0xb48f0 (paddings = 0x400000) act_size = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[4] offset = 0x2b08000 length = 0x174da8 (paddings = 0x400000) act_size = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[5] offset = 0x2f08000 length = 0x57130 (paddings = 0xc00000) act_size = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[6] offset = 0x3b08000 length = 0x5eec00 (paddings = 0x5eec00) act_size = 0 part_num = 0 Normal boot fw follow... Linux Kernel: FW Image to 0x00108000, size=0x017a0100 (0x018a8100) FW Image fr 0x02008000 (non-lzma) Audio FW 1: FW Image to 0x9a500000, size=0x0021c860 (0x9a71c860) FW Image fr 0x03c08000 (non-lzma) Video FW 1: FW Image to 0x9a900000, size=0x004a8b00 (0x9ada8b00) FW Image fr 0x04108000 (non-lzma) Audio FW 2: FW Image to 0x9a300000, size=0x000b48f0 (0x9a3b48f0) FW Image fr 0x04708000 (non-lzma) Video FW 2: FW Image to 0x9ae00000, size=0x00174da8 (0x9af74da8) FW Image fr 0x04b08000 (non-lzma) TEE FW target_addr = 0x16008000 KCPU FW: FW Image to 0x16008000, size=0x00057130 (0x1605f130) FW Image fr 0x04f08000 (non-lzma) skip show video raw file ------------- TCON HTPDN Pull Low [-1] ------------- TCON HTPDN Pull Low status [3300000f] Disp HTotal=4399, Htotal 4x alignment=4399 den_h_start=280, den_h_end=4120 [uzu] dvtotal(b8028504 = 8c9) [uzu] dhtotal(b8028508 = 112f112f) [uzu] dh den start(b8028518 = 1181018) [uzu] dv den start(b802851c = 2d089d) [uzu] uzudtg control (b8028500 = 80000051) [memc] dvtotal(b8028604 = 8c9) [memc] dhtotal(b8028608 = 112f112f) [memc] dh den start(b802861c = 1181018) [memc] dv den start(b8028618 = 2d089d) [memc] uzudtg control (b8028100 = 50000) ###### SFG_SFG_CTRL_0_reg : 7 ######## ###### 0xB802D700 : 800000 ######## ###### 1. 0xB802D9B8 : 7 ######## ##### drvif_clock_set_dclk : 594000000 ########### After Mapping (ulFreq:594000000) (div:1)====== dclk_Temp:660000 nMCode:66, f_code:0 Panel: ulFreq:594000000, nDPLL:0, Mcode:66, Ncode:3, offset:0 #### 0xb8000208[407e] #### [drvif_clock_set_dtg_uzu_div] #### 0xb8000208[400407e] #### [drvif_clock_set_dtg_memc_div] === Panel Type : 1 === === panel_vby1_tx_phy ===Vby1 Lane Status: 80004 [VBY1] wait d domain vsync [4] [VBY1]rtk_disp_vby1_init_flow OK ########## 0xB802D754(83000002) === Panel Index : 2 === panel_init_2nd rtk_hw_get_divider M_best:0 N_best:585 freq:180 totalcnt:255 duty_max:255 set pwm duty=191 success!! CNC_hardware_regulation ampinit at panel flow, 8750 [GDMA] gdma_showlogo display addr=0 , skip. enable_ae_clock Hold HW semaphore Await bypass unmute ACPU1: BISR testing .... ACPU1 BISR status: ok Release HW semaphore A1go [ADSP] bf [SB2_INSTAT] = 0x00000000 [ADSP] af [SB2_INSTAT] = 0x00000000 [ADSP] [ADSP] ---------------H-o-l-d- [WA DsSePm]a pAhuodrieo 1VAwait beyprassiso nu n= mu1t0e1 6A5C3P U(22:n iBlIrSeRm )t 1[sAtDiSnPg] .S.H.A.- : 8b25602 7ADSP] CoAmCmPoUn2 VBerISsRi osnt a= tu1s0:00 o3k8 f[eAlDeSaPs] eS HHWA -s1e:m afp0h2o4r7e2 A2go [ADSP] Binary src compiled at May 29 2019 20:47:09 [ADSP] Note = SQA_DailyBuild [ADSP] ----------------H-o-l-d bHWD MsIe mRaapwh oErnea DElnea:b lMPe GV CAPCU31 MLVwait VS CPMUPE1:G 2 BIASARC tDeDsPt WinMg A.P.R.O. P V PSPPUD1I FBI SRaR ws tEantaubls:e: oMk PGR eAlCe3a DseT SH WM PsEeG2ma pAhAoCr eD DaPg aWiMnA RV1go O MLP [ADSP] [ FEroircce][ F2cWh] Fdiosrpm_ati:n it[A cDlSoPs] eD TiSr q [eADnSaPbl]e DT 0SHxH2 00[0ADH0oS0lPcd]0 DPWC 3s e[mAaDpShPo]r eD E n[aAbDleSP ]VC PMUL2P O[Vwait VACDPSUP2:] BAAISCR [tAeDsStPi]n gW M..AP..R [ADSVPC]P U 2 l BAIDSSRP ] stsaett usg:l oboka R e0lxe0a0s0e0 0H0W0 0s e m0axph0o0r00e babg8a0 in [A V2go DSP] s[eErti cg]l[obFaW]l d i0sxp0_00i0n0it0 0c1l o s0ex0 i0r0q0 beb8n0ab oe[ A D0SPx]2 0s00e0t 0cg0l bal 0x00000002 0x0000bb80 [ADSP] set global 0x00000003 0x0000bb80 [ADSP] set global 0x00000004 0x0000bb80 [ADSP] set global 0x00000005 0x0000bb80 [ADSP] set global 0x00000006 0x0000bb80 [ADSP] set global 0x00000007 0x0000bb80 [ADSP] Force 48k output. [ADSP] __imem_text_start = 0x9a650000, size = 3904 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO] shared-mem = 0xa0001030 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO] magic_num = 0x24520000 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO] version_code = 0x00000004 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO] PASS! magic_number = 0x24520000 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][1] 0x00000050 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][2] 0x00000051 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][3] 0x00000048 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][S] Warning! BootCode config won't be apply [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][PATH] get info from bootcode! [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][PATH] src_sel_headphone = 0x00000001 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][PATH] src_sel_aio1 = 0x00000001 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][PATH] src_sel_aio2 = 0x00000001 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][POW] use default setting( 0x000003f8)! [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][DVC] use default setting! [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][DAC] dac0 source = 0x00000003 [ADSP] [BOOT_AIO][DAC] dac1 source = 0x00000005 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:88 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] af:mt 0x0000003f [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:92 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:549 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:88 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] af:mt 0x0000003f [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:92 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:549 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:88 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] af:mt 0x0000003f [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:92 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:549 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:88 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] af:mt 0x0000003f [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:92 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:549 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:88 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] af:mt 0x0000003f [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:92 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:549 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ao_Init] ao_Depop_stage1 start [ADSP] DAC0 pcm source=3 [ADSP] DAC1 pcm source=5 [ao_Init] ao_Depop_stage2 finish [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:94 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:100 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:108 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:563 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:94 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:100 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:108 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:563 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:94 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:100 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:108 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:563 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:94 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:100 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:108 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:563 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:540 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:73 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:80 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:94 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:100 [ADSP] [set_mute]:170 [ADSP] af:umt 0x0000003f [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:108 [ADSP] [audio_drv_set_mute]:116 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:563 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:573 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:580 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:585 [ADSP] [Audio_HwpSetMuteInternal]:588 [ADSP] [ao_Init] ver_magic [ADSP] [AIO] SPDIF0-O: TS_AF_DVC [ADSP] [AIO] SPDIF1-O: TS_AF_DVC [ADSP] [AIO] I2S-O : PB_AF_AVC2 [ADSP] [AIO] DAC0 : PB_AF_AVC2 [ADSP] [AIO] DAC1 : PB_AF_AVC2_CH45 [ADSP] [PowerOnMusic] No Power On Music Kernel command line: androidboot.console=ttyS0 console=ttyS0,115200 logswi=8000ff60 logdir=/tmp/var/log/ logfile=9000aaaa bufsize=80000 envp=d4100 flashtype=emmc mmcparts=rtkemmc:3440640k,1597440k(/system),155648k(/data),786432k(/cache),307200k(/snaps),16384k(/res),1024k(/dummy),131072k(/optee_armtz) root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext4 ro rootwait bootcode_git_version=HIKKENMODIFY no_console_suspend loglevel=6 earlyprintk chip=K3LPA0 irda=1 Core 1 stoped Core 2 stoped Core 3 stoped Starting kernel ... Reset ethernet/disable interrupt/flush cache... bootargs= androidboot.console=ttyS0 console=ttyS0,115200 logswi=8000ff60 logdir=/tmp/var/log/ logfile=9000aaaa bufsize=80000 envp=d4100 flashtype=emmc mmcparts=rtkemmc:3440640k,1597440k(/system),155648k(/data),786432k(/cache),307200k(/snaps),16384k(/res),1024k(/dummy),131072k(/optee_armtz) root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext4 ro rootwait bootcode_git_version=HIKKENMODIFY no_console_suspend loglevel=6 earlyprintk chip=K3LPA0 irda=1 boot_jump_linux 0x16008020(0x0,0x138f,0xd0100) [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 Linux version 4.4.3+ (zhangxw@ubuntu) (gcc version 5.4.1 20160606 (Realtek ASDK-5.4.1 Build 2485) ) #80 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 4 15:06:39 CST 2019 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 Malformed early option 'irda' [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM]check_ext_mem_size [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM] mi->bank[0].size = 0x20000000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM] mi->bank[1].size = 0x40000000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM] DRAM_size = 0x60000000, ext_mem_size = 0x40000000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM]arm_memblock_init [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM]rtk_reserve, DRAM_size = 0x60000, layout_idx = 0x0 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 bank[0] 20000000@0, 0 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 bank[1] 40000000@20000000, 1 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 carved-out in bank[1] (0x20000000 ~ 0x60000000) [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 Carved-out is in highmem [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM] hcnt = 1, last = 1 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM] mi->bank[last].size = 0x40000000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 HighMem carved-out = 0x1b800000, high_cma_reserved = 0x10000000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 zRAM = 0x8000000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 reserve 53800000 - 60000000 for high memory cma... [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM]zone_sizes_init, min = 0x0, max_low = 0x20000, max_high = 0x60000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM] zone_size[0] = 0x20000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM] zone_size[ZONE_HIGHMEM] = 0x40000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 carvedout_start = 0x20000000, max_low = 0x20000000, max_high = 0x60000000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 [MEM] carved-out is in HighMem [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 ext memory size: 40000 highmem size: 40000 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 ### highmem 33800 0 movable c800 0 ### [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 pcbMgr: RTK [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 Kernel command line: androidboot.console=ttyS0 console=ttyS0,115200 logswi=8000ff60 logdir=/tmp/var/log/ logfile=9000aaaa bufsize=80000 envp=d4100 flashtype=emmc mmcparts=rtkemmc:3440640k,1597440k(/system),155648k(/data),786432k(/cache),307200k(/snaps),16384k(/res),1024k(/dummy),131072k(/optee_armtz) root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext4 ro rootwait bootcode_git_version=HIKKENMODIFY no_console_suspend loglevel=6 earlyprintk chip=K3LPA0 irda=1 [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 Virtual kernel memory layout: [ 0.000000] vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB) [ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xffc00000 - 0xfff00000 (3072 kB) [ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xe0800000 - 0xff800000 ( 496 MB) [ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xe0000000 ( 512 MB) [ 0.000000] pkmap : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000 ( 2 MB) [ 0.000000] modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000 ( 14 MB) [ 0.000000] .text : 0xc0108000 - 0xc0fd6f20 (15164 kB) [ 0.000000] .init : 0xc0fd7000 - 0xc11a8000 (1860 kB) [ 0.000000] .data : 0xc11a8000 - 0xc18a5328 (7157 kB) [ 0.000000] .bss : 0xc18a8000 - 0xc1ca5f10 (4088 kB) [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 @sb2_intr_setup: enable sb2 interrupt [reserved rbus address] [ 0.000000] 00:00:00.000 (0)-0000 @sb2_dbg_intr_setup: enable sb2 dbg interrupt [reserved rbus OR dbus address] [ 0.145451] 00:03:00.140 (0)-0001 rtkbp: memmap size: 688128 [ 0.151486] 00:03:00.150 (0)-0001 <<>> [ 0.157728] 00:03:00.150 (0)-0001 0: 0 [ 0.161667] 00:03:00.160 (0)-0001 1: 0 [ 0.165597] 00:03:00.160 (0)-0001 2: 0 [ 0.169526] 00:03:00.160 (0)-0001 3: 0 [ 0.173468] 00:03:00.170 (0)-0001 4: 0 [ 0.177397] 00:03:00.170 (0)-0001 5: 0 [ 0.181327] 00:03:00.170 (0)-0001 6: 0 [ 0.185272] 00:03:00.180 (0)-0001 7: 0 [ 0.189201] 00:03:00.180 (0)-0001 8: 0 [ 0.193130] 00:03:00.180 (0)-0001 9: 0 [ 0.197071] 00:03:00.190 (0)-0001 10: 0 [ 0.201089] 00:03:00.190 (0)-0001 11: 1 [ 0.205107] 00:03:00.190 (0)-0001 Addr: 02800000, order: 11 [ 0.211088] 00:03:00.200 (0)-0001 12: 1 [ 0.215107] 00:03:00.200 (0)-0001 Addr: 03000000, order: 12 [ 0.221081] 00:03:00.200 (0)-0001 13: 2 [ 0.225105] 00:03:00.210 (0)-0001 Addr: 04000000, order: 13 [ 0.231080] 00:03:00.210 (0)-0001 Addr: 0e000000, order: 13 [ 0.237063] 00:03:00.220 (0)-0001 14: 2 [ 0.241082] 00:03:00.220 (0)-0001 Addr: 06000000, order: 14 [ 0.247057] 00:03:00.220 (0)-0001 Addr: 0a000000, order: 14 [ 0.253037] 00:03:00.230 (0)-0001 15: 0 [ 0.262175] 00:03:00.240 (0)-0001 rtkbp: memmap size: 614400 [ 0.268267] 00:03:00.250 (0)-0001 <<>> [ 0.274510] 00:03:00.250 (0)-0001 0: 0 [ 0.278450] 00:03:00.260 (0)-0001 1: 0 [ 0.282379] 00:03:00.260 (0)-0001 2: 0 [ 0.286308] 00:03:00.260 (0)-0001 3: 0 [ 0.290255] 00:03:00.270 (0)-0001 4: 0 [ 0.294186] 00:03:00.270 (0)-0001 5: 0 [ 0.298115] 00:03:00.270 (0)-0001 6: 0 [ 0.302052] 00:03:00.280 (0)-0001 7: 0 [ 0.305980] 00:03:00.280 (0)-0001 8: 0 [ 0.309910] 00:03:00.280 (0)-0001 9: 0 [ 0.313845] 00:03:00.290 (0)-0001 10: 0 [ 0.317863] 00:03:00.290 (0)-0001 11: 1 [ 0.321883] 00:03:00.290 (0)-0001 Addr: 5f800000, order: 11 [ 0.327864] 00:03:00.300 (0)-0001 12: 0 [ 0.331881] 00:03:00.300 (0)-0001 13: 0 [ 0.335891] 00:03:00.300 (0)-0001 14: 1 [ 0.339916] 00:03:00.310 (0)-0001 Addr: 5b800000, order: 14 [ 0.345889] 00:03:00.310 (0)-0001 15: 1 [ 0.349909] 00:03:00.310 (0)-0001 Addr: 53800000, order: 15 [ 0.363989] 00:03:00.320 (0)-0001 irq: no irq domain found for /interrupt-controller@0x18081000 ! [ 0.373399] 00:03:00.330 (0)-0001 irq: no irq domain found for /interrupt-controller@0x18081000 ! [ 0.382569] 00:03:00.330 (0)-0001 irq: no irq domain found for /interrupt-controller@0x18081000 ! [ 0.391790] 00:03:00.340 (0)-0001 irq: no irq domain found for /interrupt-controller@0x18081000 ! [ 0.403650] 00:03:00.350 (0)-0001 Realtek: sysfs init done [ 0.442767] 00:03:00.390 (2)-0001 SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.449120] 00:03:00.390 (2)-0001 [EMMC] Realtek eMMC Driver Rev:RTK_299X_PLUS (2018-10-25 10:00) [ 0.458218] 00:03:00.400 (2)-0001 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK_BOUNCE enable [ 0.466060] 00:03:00.410 (2)-0001 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: Android timming setting [ 0.473365] 00:03:00.420 (2)-0001 irq: no irq domain found for /interrupt-controller@0x18081000 ! [ 0.482481] 00:03:00.430 (2)-0001 [EMMC] === mmc_param is === [ 0.488463] 00:03:00.430 (2)-0001 [EMMC] [ 0.492593] 00:03:00.440 (2)-0001 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: EMMC_SHOUTDOWN_PROTECT not define [ 0.500931] 00:03:00.440 (2)-0001 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: clk change to 200Khz(0) [0xb8000708=0x700c5b1f] [ 0.550747] 00:03:00.490 (2)-0001 [EMMC] mmc0: rtkemmc_dw driver initialized [ 0.551056] 00:03:00.490 (3)-0007 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: clk change to 200Khz(0) [0xb8000708=0x700c331f] [ 0.567349] 00:03:00.510 (2)-0001 [EMMC] Realtek EMMC Controller Driver is successfully installing. [ 0.567349] [ 0.578221] 00:03:00.520 (2)-0001 [RTICE]rtice_init alloc input/output buffer size=2096*2 bytes [ 0.608485] 00:03:00.547 (1)-0007 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: 8 bits mode [ 0.619473] 00:03:00.558 (2)-0007 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: clk change to 100Mhz(12) [0xb8000708=0x700c831b] [ 0.636685] 00:03:00.575 (3)-0001 Core IDDQ = 59 mA / CPU IDDQ = 11 mA [ 0.643400] 00:03:00.582 (3)-0001 platform_get_dvfs , boot_freqnum = 5 [ 0.650113] 00:03:00.588 (3)-0001 Rtk cpu frequency driver init successfully [ 0.657482] 00:03:00.596 (3)-0001 amp: AMP init for Realtek AMP(2016/10/25) [ 0.664917] 00:03:00.603 (3)-0001 [GPIO] Warning, power on [ 0.670672] 00:03:00.609 (3)-0001 [DDC] [Warn] rtk_ddc_init [ 0.676822] 00:03:00.615 (3)-0001 [DDC] [Warn] rtk_ddc_platform_driver_probe ddc0 [ 0.681487] 00:03:00.620 (2)-0007 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: max_p=61 min_p=4 diff=57 [ 0.681492] 00:03:00.620 (2)-0007 [EMMC] ============================================ [ 0.681500] 00:03:00.620 (2)-0007 [EMMC] rtkemmc_dw: final PHASE(R) is 32; 0xb8000708 = 0x700c831b [ 0.681506] 00:03:00.620 (2)-0007 [EMMC] ds_tune=0(show only) [ 0.681511] 00:03:00.620 (2)-0007 [EMMC] ============================================ [ 0.741656] 00:03:00.680 (3)-0001 [DDC] [Warn] rtk_ddc_platform_driver_probe ddc1 [ 0.761657] 00:03:00.700 (3)-0001 [DDC] [Warn] rtk_ddc_platform_driver_probe ddc2 [ 0.781651] 00:03:00.720 (3)-0001 [DDC] [Warn] rtk_ddc_platform_driver_probe ddc3 [ 0.801650] 00:03:00.740 (3)-0001 [DDC] [Warn] rtk_ddc_platform_driver_probe ddc4 [ 0.821651] 00:03:00.760 (3)-0001 [DDC] [Warn] rtk_ddc_platform_driver_probe ddc5 [ 0.902930] 00:03:00.841 (3)-0001 Realtek Power Management 2015/08/05 15:00 [ 0.911260] 00:03:00.849 (3)-0001 audit: type=2000 audit(1356998580.839:1): initialized [ 0.928904] 00:03:00.867 (3)-0001 NFS: Registering the id_resolver key type [ 0.936100] 00:03:00.874 (3)-0001 Key type id_resolver registered [ 0.942361] 00:03:00.880 (3)-0001 Key type id_legacy registered [ 0.989260] 00:03:00.927 (2)-0001 mtdoops: mtd device (mtddev=name/number) must be supplied [ 1.035866] 00:03:00.974 (2)-0001 rtc: Real Time Clock of Realtek series CPUs [ 1.043252] 00:03:00.981 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]power on [ 1.048581] 00:03:00.987 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]Get PCB_ENUM I2C_PORT_0 I2C Mode Config phy_id=0 port_id = 0 [ 1.058632] 00:03:00.997 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]Get PCB_ENUM I2C_PORT_2 I2C Mode Config phy_id=2 port_id = 0 [ 1.068587] 00:03:01.007 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]Get PCB_ENUM I2C_PORT_3 I2C Mode Config phy_id=3 port_id = 0 [ 1.078544] 00:03:01.017 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]Get PCB_ENUM I2C_PORT_4 I2C Mode Config phy_id=4 port_id = 1 [ 1.088732] 00:03:01.027 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_0 phy_0]: phy_idx = 0, port_src = 0 , i2c bus logical id = 0 [ 1.099167] 00:03:01.037 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_0 phy_0] create_rtk_i2c_handle : rtk_i2c_flags = 01 irq=57 [ 1.109328] 00:03:01.047 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_0 phy_0] open successed, reference cnt=1 [ 1.117894] 00:03:01.056 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_0 phy_0] rtk_i2c_probe : model name = RTD299o [ 1.126901] 00:03:01.065 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_0 phy_0] WARNING. Pinmux isn't ready.Line955 [ 1.135841] 00:03:01.074 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_0 phy_0] setting: wr_reg(0xB806250C)=0x00000005 [ 1.145028] 00:03:01.083 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_0 phy_0] setting: wr_reg(0xB8000290)=0x02080000 [ 1.154217] 00:03:01.092 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=====rtk_i2c_dump Line844==================== [ 1.162779] 00:03:01.101 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]= VER : 2.2 [ 1.169643] 00:03:01.108 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]========================= [ 1.176425] 00:03:01.115 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_0 phy_0] PHY : 0 [ 1.184276] 00:03:01.122 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_0 phy_0] PORT: -1 [ 1.192216] 00:03:01.130 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_0 phy_0] MODEL: RTD299o [ 1.200592] 00:03:01.139 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_0 phy_0] SPD : 100 [ 1.208622] 00:03:01.147 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_0 phy_0] SAR : 0x024 (7 bits) [ 1.216384] 00:03:01.155 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_0 phy_0] TX FIFO DEPTH : 32 [ 1.224325] 00:03:01.162 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_0 phy_0] RX FIFO DEPTH : 32 [ 1.232265] 00:03:01.170 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_0 phy_0] FIFO THRESHOLD: 16 [ 1.240196] 00:03:01.178 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]========================= [ 1.247344] 00:03:01.185 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_1 phy_2]: phy_idx = 2, port_src = 0 , i2c bus logical id = 1 [ 1.257781] 00:03:01.196 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_1 phy_2] create_rtk_i2c_handle : rtk_i2c_flags = 05 irq=51 [ 1.267944] 00:03:01.206 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_1 phy_2] open successed, reference cnt=1 [ 1.276514] 00:03:01.215 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_1 phy_2] rtk_i2c_probe : model name = RTD299o [ 1.285533] 00:03:01.224 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_1 phy_2] setting: wr_reg(0xB801B40C)=0x00000001 [ 1.294720] 00:03:01.233 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_1 phy_2] setting: wr_reg(0xB8000290)=0x02880000 [ 1.303907] 00:03:01.242 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=====rtk_i2c_dump Line844==================== [ 1.312469] 00:03:01.251 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]= VER : 2.2 [ 1.319331] 00:03:01.257 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]========================= [ 1.326116] 00:03:01.264 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] PHY : 2 [ 1.333967] 00:03:01.272 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] PORT: 0 [ 1.341819] 00:03:01.280 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] MODEL: RTD299o [ 1.350195] 00:03:01.288 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] SPD : 100 [ 1.358225] 00:03:01.296 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] SAR : 0x024 (7 bits) [ 1.365987] 00:03:01.304 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] TX FIFO DEPTH : 32 [ 1.373927] 00:03:01.312 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] RX FIFO DEPTH : 32 [ 1.381867] 00:03:01.320 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] FIFO THRESHOLD: 16 [ 1.389798] 00:03:01.328 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] SDA GPIO : MIS_GPIO_GPIO 51 [ 1.398093] 00:03:01.336 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] SCL GPIO : MIS_GPIO_GPIO 52 [ 1.406389] 00:03:01.345 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] BUS JAM RECORVER 3: ON [ 1.414417] 00:03:01.353 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] NON STOP WRITE : OFF [ 1.422268] 00:03:01.360 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] GPIO RW SUPPORT : ON [ 1.430022] 00:03:01.368 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_1 phy_2] SET GPIO MODE HIGH. [ 1.437605] 00:03:01.376 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]========================= [ 1.444724] 00:03:01.383 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_2 phy_3]: phy_idx = 3, port_src = 0 , i2c bus logical id = 2 [ 1.455161] 00:03:01.393 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_2 phy_3] create_rtk_i2c_handle : rtk_i2c_flags = 0d irq=51 [ 1.465324] 00:03:01.403 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_2 phy_3] open successed, reference cnt=1 [ 1.473888] 00:03:01.412 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_2 phy_3] rtk_i2c_probe : model name = RTD299o [ 1.482902] 00:03:01.421 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_2 phy_3] setting: wr_reg(0xB801B90C)=0x00000001 [ 1.492088] 00:03:01.430 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_2 phy_3] setting: wr_reg(0xB8000290)=0x02880000 [ 1.501266] 00:03:01.439 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=====rtk_i2c_dump Line844==================== [ 1.509825] 00:03:01.448 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]= VER : 2.2 [ 1.516696] 00:03:01.455 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]========================= [ 1.523480] 00:03:01.462 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] PHY : 3 [ 1.531322] 00:03:01.469 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] PORT: 0 [ 1.539178] 00:03:01.477 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] MODEL: RTD299o [ 1.547562] 00:03:01.486 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] SPD : 100 [ 1.555592] 00:03:01.494 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] SAR : 0x024 (7 bits) [ 1.563354] 00:03:01.501 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] TX FIFO DEPTH : 32 [ 1.571284] 00:03:01.509 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] RX FIFO DEPTH : 32 [ 1.579224] 00:03:01.517 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] FIFO THRESHOLD: 16 [ 1.587165] 00:03:01.525 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] SDA GPIO : MIS_GPIO_GPIO 53 [ 1.595461] 00:03:01.534 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] SCL GPIO : MIS_GPIO_GPIO 54 [ 1.603756] 00:03:01.542 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] BUS JAM RECORVER 3: ON [ 1.611783] 00:03:01.550 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] NON STOP WRITE : OFF [ 1.619626] 00:03:01.558 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] GPIO RW SUPPORT : ON [ 1.627387] 00:03:01.566 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_2 phy_3] SET GPIO MODE HIGH. [ 1.634970] 00:03:01.573 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]========================= [ 1.642053] 00:03:01.580 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_3 phy_4]: phy_idx = 4, port_src = 1 , i2c bus logical id = 3 [ 1.652489] 00:03:01.591 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_3 phy_4] create_rtk_i2c_handle : rtk_i2c_flags = 1d irq=51 [ 1.662653] 00:03:01.601 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_3 phy_4] open successed, reference cnt=1 [ 1.671208] 00:03:01.609 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_3 phy_4] rtk_i2c_probe : model name = RTD299o [ 1.680214] 00:03:01.618 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_3 phy_4] WARNING. Pinmux isn't ready.Line955 [ 1.689139] 00:03:01.627 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_3 phy_4] setting: wr_reg(0xB803900C)=0x00000001 [ 1.698325] 00:03:01.636 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn][log_3 phy_4] setting: wr_reg(0xB8000290)=0x02880000 [ 1.707512] 00:03:01.646 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=====rtk_i2c_dump Line844==================== [ 1.716073] 00:03:01.654 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]= VER : 2.2 [ 1.722944] 00:03:01.661 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]========================= [ 1.729719] 00:03:01.668 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_3 phy_4] PHY : 4 [ 1.737571] 00:03:01.676 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_3 phy_4] PORT: -1 [ 1.745511] 00:03:01.684 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_3 phy_4] MODEL: RTD299o [ 1.753895] 00:03:01.692 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_3 phy_4] SPD : 100 [ 1.761924] 00:03:01.700 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_3 phy_4] SAR : 0x024 (7 bits) [ 1.769678] 00:03:01.708 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_3 phy_4] TX FIFO DEPTH : 32 [ 1.777618] 00:03:01.716 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_3 phy_4] RX FIFO DEPTH : 32 [ 1.785557] 00:03:01.724 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]=[log_3 phy_4] FIFO THRESHOLD: 16 [ 1.793501] 00:03:01.732 (2)-0001 [I2C] [Warn]========================= [ 1.820966] 00:03:01.759 (2)-0001 __cpufreq_cooling_register: table has duplicate entries [ 1.835922] 00:03:01.774 (2)-0001 do_user_initcalls_setup [ 1.842282] 00:03:01.780 (2)-0001 Larger buffer! size of RPC_POLL_Dev 52 and RPC_INTR_Dev 52... [ 1.853099] 00:03:01.791 (2)-0001 avcpu: audio & video cpu driver for Realtek Media Processors(2015/08/18) [ 1.863210] 00:03:01.801 (2)-0001 [RTDLOG] ***************** rtdlog init module ********************* [ 1.872853] 00:03:01.811 (2)-0001 [RTDLOG] rtdlog:get result:0,get dev:0x11e00000,major:286 [ 1.881754] 00:03:01.820 (2)-0001 [ONLINE_HELP] ***************** dbg_help init module ********************* [ 1.892104] 00:03:01.830 (2)-0001 [ONLINE_HELP] dbg_help: get result:0,get dev:0x11800000,major:280 [ 1.901681] 00:03:01.840 (2)-0001 [GPIO] Warning, =======> GPIO Table Start======== [ 1.909553] 00:03:01.848 (2)-0001 [GPIO] Warning, ===>rtk_gpio_total_pin_num:49 [ 1.917074] 00:03:01.855 (2)-0001 [GPIO] Warning, =======> GPIO Table End======== [ 1.925195] 00:03:01.863 (2)-0001 [PWM] Pinmux info:0xb8060218 15 12 0xc 0xf Gid:26,L:2029 [ 1.933807] 00:03:01.872 (2)-0001 [PWM] [rtk_hw_setting_pwm_init] Get PIN_HIKEEN_2861_LED_RG ,Create Node[0] pwm-I-1 [ 1.933807] device id = 0, VT=2249, HT=4399, clk=594000000, adapt_freq=60, [ 1.933807] freq = 32, max_duty=255, duty=2055, vsync = 0, [ 1.933807] enable = 1, polarity = 0, pos_dela[AD P] [A01 ] ------- -------1-- [3DSP] Au]io Version =s1010650 (20i00em) [ADSP] SHA-1: 8b25602 [ADSP] Common Version = 1000387 [ADSP] SHA-1: f02472f [ADSP] Binary src compiled at May 29 2019 20:47:09 [ADSP] Note = SQA_DailyBuild [ADSP] ------------------- [ADSP] [AMM] request(sz: 0x007d2c00) f Me Poo8 477] 00:03:01.927 (2)-0001 [PWM] Pinmux info:0xb8000850 23 20 0xd 0xf Gid:79,L:2029 [ 1.997430] 00:03:01.936 (2)-0001 [PWM] [rtk_hw_setting_pwm_init] Get PIN_BL_ADJ ,Create Node[1] pwm-M-6 [ 1.997430] device id = 0, VT=2249, HT=4399, clk=594000000, adapt_freq=60, [ 1.997430] freq = 181, max_duty=254, duty=191, vsync = 0, [ 1.997430] enable = 1, polarity = 1, pos_delay = 00000001 , [ 1.997430] mPlus = 00000000 [ 2.029730] 00:03:01.968 (2)-0001 [PWM] [rtk_pwm_probe]Initialize PWM--1, name = rtk-pwm [ 2.038031] 00:03:01.976 (2)-0001 [PWM] [rtk_pwm_probe]2311 dev name = (null), id = -1 [ 2.046247] 00:03:01.984 (2)-0001 [PWM] register chrdev(245,0) success. [ 2.053136] 00:03:01.991 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] pcmcia_cfg = e004b [ 2.059742] 00:03:01.998 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] Can't find PCMCIA_CFG2 config. [ 2.067424] 00:03:02.006 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] Can't find PIN_PCMCIA_INT config, pcmcia operation will be abnormal. [ 2.078388] 00:03:02.017 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] pcmcia_cfg2 = 0x0 [ 2.084914] 00:03:02.023 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] Can't find PCMCIA_CFG3 config. [ 2.092515] 00:03:02.031 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] PCMCIA-0 : Power pin : MIS_GPIO_GPIO 75, CE=40000000 [ 2.102058] 00:03:02.040 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] PCMCIA-0 : auto pinmux share function disable [ 2.110967] 00:03:02.049 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] PCMCIA-0 : auto pinmux share function fifo mode use [soft mode] [ 2.121491] 00:03:02.060 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] pcmcia_cfg2 = 0x00000000 [ 2.128534] 00:03:02.067 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] Card 0 Disabled [ 2.134791] 00:03:02.073 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] PCMCIA_PWR_EN GPIO : MIS_GPIO_GPIO 75=0 [ 2.143396] 00:03:02.082 (2)-0001 [PCMCIA] [Warn] using drivers pcmcia timing configuration [ 2.151993] 00:03:02.090 (2)-0001 [CEC] [Warn] cec_core_init, register cec_bus c121d628 [ 2.160293] 00:03:02.098 (2)-0001 [CEC] [Warn] register cec driver 'rtd298x_cec' (c121d934) [ 2.168882] 00:03:02.107 (2)-0001 [CEC] [Warn] register cec device 'rtd298x_cec' (c121d7a8) to cec0 [ 2.178219] 00:03:02.116 (2)-0001 [CEC] [Warn] probe : cec_dev 'rtd298x_cec' (c121d7a8), cec_drv 'rtd298x_cec' (c121d934) [ 2.190687] 00:03:02.129 (2)-0001 [ 2.190687] [ 2.190687] [ 2.190687] [ 2.190687] ***************** dolbyvisionEDR init module ********************* [ 2.190687] [ 2.190687] [ 2.190687] [ 2.211476] 00:03:02.150 (2)-0001 composer structure size = 1800 [ 2.217717] 00:03:02.156 (2)-0001 dm structure size = 41020 [ 2.223536] 00:03:02.162 (2)-0001 dolbyvisionEDR module_init finish [ 2.230674] 00:03:02.169 (2)-0001 [LSADC] [Warn]rtk_lsadc_probe(): [ 2.237370] 00:03:02.175 (2)-0001 [LSADC] [Warn]register chrdev(237,0) success. [ 2.245165] 00:03:02.183 (2)-0001 [DCMT] acpu range: 1a500500 - 1a650f40 [ 2.252043] 00:03:02.190 (2)-0001 [DCMT] vcpu range: 1ae00400 - 1af45400 [ 2.258909] 00:03:02.197 (2)-0001 [DCMT] kcpu range: 00000000 - 00000000 [ 2.265840] 00:03:02.204 (2)-0001 [DCMT] DCMT use default range for OPTEE! [ 2.272918] 00:03:02.211 (2)-0001 VenusFB: Framebuffer device driver for Realtek Media Processors [ 2.282017] 00:03:02.220 (2)-0001 FB size 1: 8712192 417792 [ 2.288038] 00:03:02.226 (2)-0001 VenusFB: load successful (1920x1080x32bbp) [ 2.295416] 00:03:02.234 (2)-0001 [ 2.295416] [ 2.295416] [ 2.295416] [ 2.295416] **********rtice2ap init module************* [ 2.295416] [ 2.295416] [ 2.295416] [ 2.313329] 00:03:02.251 (2)-0001 rtice2ap init module major number = 235 [ 2.320573] 00:03:02.259 (2)-0001 rtice_register_command_handler() has been executed for DMA_STATUS. [ 2.330895] 00:03:02.269 (2)-0001 [IR] [Err] Venus IR: success to reigster as mouse device [ 2.339455] 00:03:02.278 (2)-0001 [IR] [Warn] the ir protocol[0] isn't support for main0 initial [ 2.349598] 00:03:02.288 (2)-0001 [ARC] [Warn] Get PCB Parameter fail! [ 2.356301] 00:03:02.294 (2)-0001 [ARC] [Warn] arc spdif used default init_en=2 channel=2 [ 2.441410] 00:03:02.380 (2)-0001 [ADC] Currently, Gain=0,0,0, code=202,174,192,844,829,837,642,655,645 [ 2.481406] 00:03:02.420 (2)-0001 [ADC] Currently, Gain=511,511,511, code=356,342,351,677,670,674,321,328,323 [ 2.531407] 00:03:02.470 (2)-0001 [ADC] Currently, Gain=266,359,249, code=308,312,295,730,698,731,422,386,436 [ 2.541580] 00:03:02.480 (2)-0001 [ADC] ########Final YPP Gain R:266 G:359 B:249########## [ 2.621408] 00:03:02.560 (2)-0001 [ADC] Currently, Gain=0,0,0, code=201,173,191,845,828,838,644,655,647 [ 2.661407] 00:03:02.600 (2)-0001 [ADC] Currently, Gain=511,511,511, code=357,342,351,677,670,674,320,328,323 [ 2.711408] 00:03:02.650 (2)-0001 [ADC] Currently, Gain=299,270,300, code=317,290,309,721,719,716,404,429,407 [ 2.721580] 00:03:02.660 (2)-0001 [ADC] ########Final VGA Gain R:299 G:270 B:300########## [ 2.730509] 00:03:02.669 (2)-0001 ShareMem alloc success CachedAddr:c2a00000 size:2091808 [ 2.743870] 00:03:02.682 (2)-0001 fwif_color_Share_Memory_Access_VIP_TABLE_Struct [ 2.751602] 00:03:02.690 (2)-0001 fwif_color_SetDCC_system_info_structure_table [ 2.759315] 00:03:02.697 (2)-0001 Scaler_Share_Memory_Access_VIP_TABLE_Custom_Struct [ 2.768156] 00:03:02.706 (1)-0135 video_onlinemeasure_tsk() [ 2.777791] 00:03:02.716 (2)-0001 vpqex_module_init 2571 [ 2.783255] 00:03:02.721 (2)-0001 vpqex_module_init 2586 [ 2.788697] 00:03:02.727 (2)-0001 VPQEX_DEVICE init module major number = 228 [ 2.796286] 00:03:02.734 (2)-0001 HDR_AutoRun=1 [ 2.801105] 00:03:02.739 (2)-0001 vpqex_module_init 2628 [ 2.808474] 00:03:02.747 (2)-0001 [linux][CBUS] MHL_init_module[0801] [ 2.815105] 00:03:02.753 (2)-0001 [linux]CBUS: register sucess!!! IRQ 57 [ 2.822240] 00:03:02.760 (2)-0001 [ 2.822240] [SE]se_init_module,TIMEOUT=200(100), [ 2.830531] 00:03:02.769 (2)-0001 se init module major number = 221 [ 2.837236] 00:03:02.775 (2)-0001 B:SE_INIT...se_devices = de6a0000(1e6a0000), buffer(noncache) = c2844000(02844000) [ 2.848852] 00:03:02.787 (2)-0001 [GDMA]get total memsize = 60000000 [ 2.856301] 00:03:02.794 (2)-0001 [TP] [TP] Initial TP module [ 2.862840] 00:03:02.801 (2)-0001 [TP] Reset MPU and start MPU to update PCR clock Enter PT 2.871484] 00:03:02.S 0 (2)-0001 [TP] [TP] Tmodlatform devicee tp ame [ 2.878348] 00:03:02.816 (2)-0001 [TP] [TP] Initial TP module successed [ 2.885291] 00:03:02.823 (2)-0001 [ 2.885291] [ 2.885291] [ 2.885291] [ 2.885291] ***************** demux init module ********************* [ 2.885291] [ 2.885291] [ 2.885291] [ 2.911470] 00:03:02.850 (2)-0001 optee git version: bea8c012995 [ 2.917630] 00:03:02.856 (2)-0001 optee firmware:optee: get optee git version success [ 2.931681] 00:03:02.870 (3)-0001 Bridge firewalling registered [ 2.938194] 00:03:02.876 (3)-0001 Key type dns_resolver registered [ 2.945137] 00:03:02.883 (3)-0001 auth: initialize overlapped region... base_pfn = 0x18000, count = 0x200 [ 2.954966] 00:03:02.893 (3)-0001 rtkbp: memmap size: 6144 [ 2.960681] 00:03:02.899 (3)-0001 <<>> [ 2.966943] 00:03:02.905 (3)-0001 0: 0 [ 2.970874] 00:03:02.909 (3)-0001 1: 0 [ 2.974813] 00:03:02.913 (3)-0001 2: 0 [ 2.978742] 00:03:02.917 (3)-0001 3: 0 [ 2.982682] 00:03:02.921 (3)-0001 4: 0 [ 2.986611] 00:03:02.925 (3)-0001 5: 0 [ 2.990540] 00:03:02.929 (3)-0001 6: 0 [ 2.994481] 00:03:02.933 (3)-0001 7: 0 [ 2.998411] 00:03:02.937 (3)-0001 8: 0 [ 3.002349] 00:03:02.940 (3)-0001 9: 1 [ 3.006281] 00:03:02.944 (3)-0001 Addr: 18000000, order: 9 [ 3.012181] 00:03:02.950 (3)-0001 10: 0 [ 3.016201] 00:03:02.954 (3)-0001 11: 0 [ 3.020219] 00:03:02.958 (3)-0001 12: 0 [ 3.024248] 00:03:02.962 (3)-0001 13: 0 [ 3.028267] 00:03:02.966 (3)-0001 14: 0 [ 3.032296] 00:03:02.970 (3)-0001 15: 0 [ 3.036374] 00:03:02.974 (3)-0001 Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler [ 3.041397] 00:03:02.980 (2)-0000 RTK rtc can work. [ 3.049420] 00:03:02.988 (0)-0001 Key type trusted registered [ 3.055884] 00:03:02.994 (0)-0001 Key type encrypted registered [ 3.062107] 00:03:03.000 (0)-0001 OTG is not enable. Use command: "usbotg on" in bootcode to enable it! [ 3.072083] 00:03:03.500 (0)-0001 [KEYPAD] rtk_keypad_init(421) [ 3.078445] 00:03:03.506 (0)-0001 [KEYPAD] rtk_keypad_probe(275) [ADSP] [ARPC] rtkaudio_ready = 0x00000001 [ADSP] AudioFirmwareHASH 8b25602 [ 3.092338] 00:03:03.520 (0)-0001 [ 3.092338] [ 3.092338] [ 3.092338] [ 3.092338] ***************** rtkvdec init module ********************* [ 3.092338] [ 3.092338] [ 3.092338] [ADSP] [AMM] re[uest(sz3.1x003e86c0) for M03:ool.54B (0)-0001 rtkvdec_SVP_memory_init 1b200000 1000000 [ 3.[2DSP]] oProc_A1203.55ing0reate [AD00] A12MrQkvng is at Mxba40e5or [ADSPi [APCU00 Interf0ceeReady [ADSP] CreateAudioAgent (Type=7, AO) [ADSP] ------[AO] 0x83838de0-------- [ADSP] ------[AO1] 0xa3838de0-------- [ADSP] _VENUSAOUT_Init [ 3.144268] 00:03:03.572 (0)-0001 Video FW Version 5323d4b [ 3.15039[ADSP] [03][outring]782S(0( -=0 0xa399etck [eDSv] [aO][outringh I2S(1) 15= 0xa39ocb00 [ADSP] [AO][ tring] I2S(2) = 0xa39a6f40 [ADSP] [AO][outring] I2S(3) = 0xa39ab380 [ADSP] [AO][outring] I2S(4) = 0xa39af7c0 [ADSP] [AO][outring] I2S(5) = 0xa39b3c00 [ADSP] [AO][outring] I2S(6) = 0xa39b8040 [ADSP] [AO][outr ng] I2 (7) 50 0xa39bc480 [A03P] [03.[outring] I)-08) = kxa39c08c0 [ADSP] [AO][*utringrtk2S(t) = 0ra39c4di0 [AmSP] ao reat* *um pin 0x00000004 [ [ADSP] 1512_ARC(9] D0P_AVA(03. 5UPPORT0DDP(00 [ADSP] AUTO_DDPx(0950HALF_A_tO_DDP(x)y A _haTO_rDP(0) [oDSP] [vocSet_Outp mS mplfngRate96K] (PB/Tc01(96000/ 8000), PCM/BS:(48000/[ 3.15132ao_Se0:amplin.Rate end [A0S0] ar_tetSamploxgRate en2 _AO_set chgnnel_status fro [ DSt] _AO_set_channel_status end _AO_set_sw_outring_ctrl_info end [ADSP] _AO_set_sw_outring_ctrl_info end _AO_clear_hw_buffer end [ADSP] _AO_clear_hw_buffer end ConfigAO end [ADSP] ConfigAO end [ADSP] HDMI_ARC(0), DDP_AVA(0), SUPPORT_DDP(0) [ADSP] AUTO_DDP(0), HALF_AUTO_DDP(0), AP_AUTO_DDP(0) [ADSP] [ao_Set_OutputSamplingRate96K] (PB/TS):(96000/48000), PCM/BS:(48000/ao_SetSamplingRate end [ADSP] ao_SetSamplingRate end _AO_set_channel_status end [ADSP] _AO_set_channel_status end _AO_set_sw_outring_ctrl_info end [ADSP] _AO_set_sw_outring_ctrl_info end _AO_clear_hw_buffer end [ADSP] _AO_clear_hw_buffer end [ADSP] AudioAgent list = [ADSP] [ADSP] CreateAudioAgent (Type=8, AI) [ADSP] [AI][RSMP] create(0) DmemBuf= 0x8396e3a0,rsmpinfo= 0x838232e0 [ADSP] [AI][RSMP] create(1) DmemBuf= 0x839723e0,rsmpinfo= 0x83823720 [ADSP] [AI][RSMP] create(2) DmemBuf= 0x83976420,rsmpinfo= 0x83823b60 [ADSP] AudioAgent list = [ADSP] [ADSP] [ADSP] CreateAudioAgent (Type=15, PP) [ADSP] AA _APP_Create [ADSP] PP Create!!!!!! [ADSP] SmoothPlayback create [ADSP] create end [ADSP] AudioAgent list = [ADSP] [ADSP] [ADSP] [ADSP] [ARPC] InitRingBuffer AAp9, buf= 0xa3b1c0a0 size= 0x00008400 [ADSP] [ARPC] InitRingBuffer AAp2, buf= 0xa3b1c0a0 size= 0x00008400 [ADSP] connect AA.p9 <-> p2.AA [ADSP] [ARPC] (9), connect to (2) [ADSP] [ADSP] ------------------- [ADSP] Audio Version = 1011653 (2nilrem) [ADSP] SHA-1: 8b25602 [ADSP] Common Version = 1000387 [ADSP] SHA-1: f02472f [ADSP] Binary src compiled at May 29 2019 20:47:09 [ADSP] Note = SQA_DailyBuild [ADSP] ------------------- [ 3.378166] 00:03:03.806 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] KFIFO[0]_INIT:buf(1ca0e000),size(00010000),in(00006c9d),out(00000000) [ 3.388633] 00:03:03.816 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] KFIFO[1]_INIT:buf(1ca1e000),size(00002000),in(0000045d),out(00000000) [ 3.388835] 00:03:03.816 (1)-0001 init: init first stage started! [ 3.405352] 00:03:03.833 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] KFIFO[2]_INIT:buf(1ca20000),size(00010000),in(000010d6),out(00000000) [ 3.415799] 00:03:03.843 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] KFIFO[3]_INIT:buf(1ca30000),size(00010000),in(00000191),out(00000000) [ 3.426234] 00:03:03.854 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] KFIFO[4]_INIT:buf(1ca40000),size(00010000),in(00000a24),out(00000000) [ 3.436667] 00:03:03.864 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] KFIFO[5]_INIT:buf(1ca50000),size(00020000),in(00000000),out(00000000) [ 3.447099] 00:03:03.875 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] KFIFO[6]_INIT:buf(1ca70000),size(00010000),in(00000000),out(00000000) [ 3.456548] 00:03:03.884 (2)-0001 audit: type=1403 audit(1356998583.869:2): policy loaded auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 [ 3.457400] 00:03:03.885 (2)-0001 audit: type=1404 audit(1356998583.869:3): enforcing=1 old_enforcing=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 [ 3.481049] 00:03:03.909 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] native logbuf addr : 0xc18b2198, CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET : 0xc0000000 [ 3.491616] 00:03:03.919 (1)-0001 init: (Initializing SELinux enforcing took 0.10s.) [ 3.496046] 00:03:03.924 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] keylog start addr : 0x1ca02000, size:0x1000 [ 3.511318] 00:03:03.939 (2)-0001 init: init second stage started! [ 3.524303] 00:03:03.952 (2)-0001 init: Running restorecon... [ 3.622659] 00:03:04.050 (2)-0001 init: waitpid failed: No child processes [ 3.629781] 00:03:04.057 (2)-0001 init: skipping insecure file '/default.prop' [ 3.637562] 00:03:04.065 (2)-0001 init: (Loading properties from /default.prop took 0.01s.) [ 3.646716] 00:03:04.074 (2)-0001 init: skipping insecure file '/init.rc' [ 3.655964] 00:03:04.084 (2)-0001 init: skipping insecure file '/init.environ.rc' [ 3.663789] 00:03:04.091 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /init.environ.rc took 0.01s.) [ 3.671220] 00:03:04.099 (2)-0001 init: skipping insecure file '/init.usb.rc' [ 3.679360] 00:03:04.107 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /init.usb.rc took 0.01s.) [ 3.686453] 00:03:04.114 (2)-0001 init: skipping insecure file '/init.rtd289x.rc' [ 3.697103] 00:03:04.125 (2)-0001 init: skipping insecure file 'init.rtd289x.usb.rc' [ 3.705679] 00:03:04.133 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing init.rtd289x.usb.rc took 0.01s.) [ 3.713392] 00:03:04.141 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /init.rtd289x.rc took 0.03s.) [ 3.720824] 00:03:04.148 (2)-0001 init: skipping insecure file '/init.usb.configfs.rc' [ 3.730330] 00:03:04.158 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /init.usb.configfs.rc took 0.01s.) [ 3.7382 [V d0: Versi)n] 0x1 32it4b rc'ieo Binary Built on] Sep 5n2018 12:37:22 [ 3.748217] 00:03:04.176 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /init.zygote32.rc took 0.01s.) [ 3.755742] 00:03:04.183 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /init.rc took 0.11s.) [ 3.763008] 00:03:04.191 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'ueventd'... [ 3.770413] 00:03:04.198 (2)-0001 init: Waiting for /dev/.coldboot_done... [ 3.772644] 00:03:04.200 (0)-0163 ueventd: ueventd started! [ 3.772744] 00:03:04.200 (0)-0163 ueventd: skipping insecure file '/ueventd.rc' [ 3.773134] 00:03:04.201 (0)-0163 ueventd: skipping insecure file '/ueventd.rtd289x.rc' [ 3.969402] 00:004.397 (0)-0163 ueventd: Coldboot took 0.19s. [ 3.970292] 00:03:04.398 (2)-0001 init: Waiting for /dev/.coldboot_done took 0.20s. [ 3.970496] 00:03:04.398 (2)-0001 init: Failed to read from /dev/hw_random: No such device [ 3.970889] 00:03:04.399 (2)-0001 init: could not open /dev/keychord: No such file or directory [ 3.988834] 00:03:04.416 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs': No such file or directory [ 3.990375] 00:03:04.418 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/dev/cpuctl/cpu.rt_period_us': Permission denied [ 3.990426] 00:03:04.418 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/dev/cpuctl/cpu.rt_runtime_us': Permission denied [ 3.990858] 00:03:04.419 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive/cpu.rt_period_us': Permission denied [ 3.990906] 00:03:04.419 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/dev/cpuctl/bg_non_interactive/cpu.rt_runtime_us': Permission denied [ 3.994788] 00:03:04.422 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/abi/swp': No such file or directory [ 3.998525] 00:03:04.426 (2)-0001 init: Failed to read from /dev/hw_random: No such device [ 4.004972] 00:03:04.433 (1)-0164 EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): Ignoring removed nomblk_io_submit option [ 4.475725] 00:03:04.903 (3)-0164 EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): Ignoring removed nomblk_io_submit option [ 4.499901] 00:03:04.928 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/atrace.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.501451] 00:03:04.929 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] access rtd_logfile ret=-2 [ 4.501522] 00:03:04.929 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] log path=/tmp/var/log/ [ 4.501843] 00:03:04.929 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] get_direction_free_size 1188 get logfile dir's size (/tmp) OK [ 4.501843] [ 4.501843] [ 4.501843] [ 4.501843] [ 4.501884] 00:03:04.930 (3)-0162 [RTDLOG] begin to write log data [ 4.501884] [ 4.501884] [ 4.501884] [ 4.501912] 00:03:04.930 (3)-0162 ------dump history keylog start------ [ 4.501926] 00:03:04.930 (3)-0162 ------dump history keylog end------ [ 4.562551] 00:03:04.990 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/audioserver.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.571689] 00:03:04.999 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/bootanim.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.580695] 00:03:05.008 (3)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/bootstat.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.589621] 00:03:05.017 (3)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/cameraserver.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.598868] 00:03:05.027 (0)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/debuggerd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.607872] 00:03:05.036 (0)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/drmserver.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.616996] 00:03:05.045 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/dumpstate.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.625959] 00:03:05.054 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/gatekeeperd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.635143] 00:03:05.063 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/init-debug.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.644206] 00:03:05.072 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/installd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.653098] 00:03:05.081 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/keystore.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.661990] 00:03:05.090 (3)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/lmkd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.670744] 00:03:05.098 (3)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/logcatd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.679595] 00:03:05.107 (3)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/logd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.688163] 00:03:05.116 (0)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/mdnsd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.696831] 00:03:05.124 (0)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/mediacodec.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.705892] 00:03:05.134 (0)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/mediadrmserver.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.715322] 00:03:05.143 (0)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/mediaextractor.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.724752] 00:03:05.152 (0)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/mediaserver.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.733896] 00:03:05.162 (0)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/mtpd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.742463] 00:03:05.170 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/netd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.750964] 00:03:05.179 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/perfprofd.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.759938] 00:03:05.188 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/racoon.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.768651] 00:03:05.196 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/screencaptureservice.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.778640] 00:03:05.206 (1)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/servicemanager.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.788071] 00:03:05.216 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/surfaceflinger.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.797518] 00:03:05.225 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/tee.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.805968] 00:03:05.234 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/tvservice.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.815017] 00:03:05.243 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/uncrypt.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.823840] 00:03:05.251 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/vdc.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.832303] 00:03:05.260 (2)-0001 init: (Parsing /system/etc/init/vold.rc took 0.00s.) [ 4.841240] 00:03:05.269 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/kernel/boot_adsp/boot': No such file or directory [ 4.863853] 00:03:05.292 (2)-0177 random: mkswap urandom read with 3 bits of entropy available [ 4.928473] 00:03:05.356 (1)-0001 init: Starting service 'logd'... [ 4.939588] 00:03:05.367 (1)-0001 init: skipping insecure file '/system/build.prop' [ 4.948349] 00:03:05.376 (1)-0001 init: property_set("", "24556") failed [ 4.959877] 00:03:05.388 (1)-0001 init: (Loading properties from /system/build.prop took 0.02s.) [ 4.969047] 00:03:05.397 (1)-0001 init: (Loading properties from /vendor/build.prop took 0.00s.) [ 4.978160] 00:03:05.406 (1)-0001 init: (Loading properties from /factory/factory.prop took 0.00s.) [ 4.987672] 00:03:05.415 (1)-0001 init: /recovery not specified in fstab [ 4.995831] 00:03:05.423 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'debuggerd'... [ 5.003396] 00:03:05.431 (2)-0001 init: do_start: Service debuggerd64 not found [ 5.011307] 00:03:05.439 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'vold'... [ 5.019307] 00:03:05.447 (2)-0001 init: Not bootcharting. [ 5.424181] 00:03:05.852 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'exec 1 (/system/bin/tzdatacheck)'... [ 5.450110] 00:03:05.878 (2)-0001 init: Service 'exec 1 (/system/bin/tzdatacheck)' (pid 193) exited with status 0 [ 5.461813] 00:03:05.889 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to write to '/sys/power/state': Operation not permitted [ 5.472505] 00:03:05.900 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/wcnss_ssr_8960/parameters/enable_riva_ssr': No such file or directory [ 5.490716] 00:03:05.918 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/amp': No such file or directory [ 5.503017] 00:03:05.931 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/rpm_resources/enable_low_power/L2_cache': No such file or directory [ 5.516644] 00:03:05.944 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/rpm_resources/enable_low_power/pxo': No such file or directory [ 5.529789] 00:03:05.957 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/rpm_resources/enable_low_power/vdd_dig': No such file or directory [ 5.543291] 00:03:05.971 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/rpm_resources/enable_low_power/vdd_mem': No such file or directory [ 5.556791] 00:03:05.984 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/pm_8x60/modes/cpu0/power_collapse/suspend_enabled': No such file or directory [ 5.571271] 00:03:05.999 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/pm_8x60/modes/cpu1/power_collapse/suspend_enabled': No such file or directory [ 5.585747] 00:03:06.013 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/pm_8x60/modes/cpu2/power_collapse/suspend_enabled': No such file or directory [ 5.600225] 00:03:06.028 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/pm_8x60/modes/cpu3/power_collapse/suspend_enabled': No such file or directory [ 5.614705] 00:03:06.042 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/pm_8x60/modes/cpu0/power_collapse/idle_enabled': No such file or directory [ 5.629275] 00:03:06.057 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to write to '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor': Invalid argument [ 5.642742] 00:03:06.070 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to write to '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor': Invalid argument [ 5.656212] 00:03:06.084 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to write to '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_governor': Invalid argument [ 5.669671] 00:03:06.097 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to write to '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_governor': Invalid argument [ 5.683133] 00:03:06.111 (3)-0001 init: SELinux: Could not stat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand: No such file or directory. [ 5.695495] 00:03:06.123 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold': No such file or directory [ 5.709274] 00:03:06.137 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate': No such file or directory [ 5.723141] 00:03:06.151 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/io_is_busy': No such file or directory [ 5.736741] 00:03:06.164 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_down_factor': No such file or directory [ 5.751230] 00:03:06.179 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/down_differential': No such file or directory [ 5.765458] 00:03:06.193 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold_multi_core': No such file or directory [ 5.780214] 00:03:06.208 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/down_differential_multi_core': No such file or directory [ 5.795424] 00:03:06.223 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/optimal_freq': No such file or directory [ 5.809200] 00:03:06.237 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/sync_freq': No such file or directory [ 5.822713] 00:03:06.250 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold_any_cpu_load': No such file or directory [ 5.838116] 00:03:06.266 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/dev/cpuctl/apps/cpu.notify_on_migrate': No such file or directory [ 5.852279] 00:03:06.280 (1)-0001 init: (Loading properties from /data/local.prop took 0.00s.) [ 5.932824] 00:03:06.360 (1)-0001 init: Starting service 'logd-reinit'... [ 5.941126] 00:03:06.369 (1)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/vm/min_free_order_shift': No such file or directory [ 5.954925] 00:03:06.383 (1)-0001 init: Starting service 'healthd'... [ 5.962174] 00:03:06.390 (1)-0001 init: Starting service 'console'... [ 5.971341] 00:03:06.399 (3)-0001 init: Starting service 'pvrsrvctl'... [ 5.979155] 00:03:06.407 (3)-0001 init: Starting service 'hardwared'... [ 5.987364] 00:03:06.415 (3)-0001 init: Starting service 'rtkd'... [ 5.994757] 00:03:06.422 (3)-0001 init: Starting service 'lmkd'... [ 6.002138] 00:03:06.430 (3)-0001 init: Starting service 'servicemanager'... [ 6.010769] 00:03:06.438 (3)-0001 init: Starting service 'surfaceflinger'... RT2871_V500DJ6_Q[ 6.019178] 00:03:06.447 (3)-0001 init: Service 'logd-reinit' (pid 198) exited with status 0 E1_UHD:/ # [ 6.031655] 00:03:06.459 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/wakelock/parameters/debug_mask': No such file or directory [ 6.044777] 00:03:06.472 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet0/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.057862] 00:03:06.486 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet1/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.070884] 00:03:06.499 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet2/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.083690] 00:03:06.511 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet3/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.096563] 00:03:06.524 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet4/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.109457] 00:03:06.537 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet5/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.122229] 00:03:06.550 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet6/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.135011] 00:03:06.563 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet7/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.147820] 00:03:06.575 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet_sdio0/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.161110] 00:03:06.589 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet_sdio1/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.174314] 00:03:06.602 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet_sdio2/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.180226] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_DVFS[b8000448] 0x1c200017 [ 6.180247] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_DVFS[b8000448] 0x1c200016 [ 6.180262] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_DVFS[b8000448] 0x1c200015 [ 6.180318] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 func=GPU_CriticalRegister line=697 SYS_CLKEN1_reg=fb63bfee SYS_SRST1_reg=fb4fbfee [ 6.180335] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_PWR_CONFIG[b804e09c] 0x190 [ 6.180348] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_PWR_CONFIG[b804e090] 0x3 [ 6.180462] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_PWR_ST[b804e098] 0x3 [ 6.180476] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_CLKEN[b804e00c] 0x7 [ 6.180490] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_ENDIAN[b804e048] 0x1 [ 6.180503] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 GPU_RESET[b804e008] 0x1 [ 6.180520] 00:03:06.608 (0)-0201 gpu init ready SysDevInit 449 [ 6.262555] 00:03:06.690 (0)-0201 pvr_probe: pvr_probe 169 [ 6.262713] 00:03:06.690 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet_sdio3/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.262766] 00:03:06.690 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet_sdio4/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.262815] 00:03:06.690 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet_sdio5/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.262861] 00:03:06.691 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet_sdio6/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.262905] 00:03:06.691 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/rmnet_sdio7/accept_ra': No such file or directory [ 6.262963] 00:03:06.691 (3)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/module/msm_show_resume_irq/parameters/debug_mask': No such file or directory [ 6.264032] 00:03:06.692 (1)-0201 ### alloc Memory e2f80000 (2^12)... [ 6.268010] 00:03:06.696 (3)-0001 init: insmod: open("/system/lib/modules/rtk_btusb.ko") failed: No such file or directory [ 6.268023] 00:03:06.696 (3)-0001 fusion: unable to register major 247. Registered 212 instead [ 6.268125] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 fun=video_initDisplayArea line=326 addr=c0667214 [ 6.268138] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# Init Display Area... [ 6.268154] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# IBuffer: d9b27000... [ 6.268167] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# config video standard, ret = 10000000 [ 6.268179] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# config hdmi, ret = 10000000 [ 6.268192] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# set background, ret = 10000000 [ 6.268205] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# config graphic canvas, ret = 10000000 [ 6.268218] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# Draw Display Area... [ 6.268230] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# DBuffer: d9b27000... [ 6.268244] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# transp.offset: 24... [ 6.268255] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# red.offset: 0... [ 6.268267] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 ##==> video_drawDisplayArea(593): GDMA_CreateGraphicWindow [ 6.268281] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# create window, ret = 0 [ 6.268293] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 ##==> video_drawDisplayArea(619): GDMA_DrawGraphicWindow [ 6.268308] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# draw window, ret = 10000000 [ 6.268322] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 No buffer space for flipping; asking for more. [ 6.268337] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# Clear Display Area... [ 6.268349] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# no mixer2 buffer exist... [ 6.268361] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# CBuffer: d9b27000... [ 6.268380] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 #@# delete window, ret = 10000000 [ 6.268392] 00:03:06.696 (1)-0201 ### free Memory e2f80000... [ 6.270234] 00:03:06.698 (1)-0201 FB size 2: 25300992 417792 [ 6.273618] 00:03:06.701 (1)-0201 ### alloc Memory e3800000 (2^13)... [ 6.275528] 00:03:06.703 (2)-0001 using random self ethernet address [ 6.275548] 00:03:06.703 (2)-0001 using random host ethernet address [ 6.275636] 00:03:06.703 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/rndis.gs4/wceis': Permission denied [ 6.277301] 00:03:06.705 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'adbd'... [ 6.278238] 00:03:06.706 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/bin/update_verifier' (No such file or directory), disabling 'exec 2 (/system/bin/update_verifier)' [ 6.278305] 00:03:06.706 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/bin/' (No such file or directory), disabling 'flash_recovery' [ 6.278347] 00:03:06.706 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/bin/' (No such file or directory), disabling 'preeshare' [ 6.278394] 00:03:06.706 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/etc/' (No such file or directory), disabling 'initHikeen' [ 6.278433] 00:03:06.706 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/bin/bridgemgrd' (No such file or directory), disabling 'bridgemgrd' [ 6.278468] 00:03:06.706 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'tvserver-setup'... [ 6.279355] 00:03:06.707 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'icVerifyd'... [ 6.279794] 00:03:06.707 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/bin/thermald' (No such file or directory), disabling 'thermald' [ 6.279845] 00:03:06.708 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/bin/ble_audio_drive' (No such file or directory), disabling 'ble_audio_drive' [ 6.280225] 00:03:06.708 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'zygote'... [ 6.280890] 00:03:06.709 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'audioserver'... [ 6.281582] 00:03:06.709 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'cameraserver'... [ 6.282163] 00:03:06.710 (3)-0226 init: couldn't write 226 to /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon/tasks: No such file or directory [ 6.282384] 00:03:06.710 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'drm'... [ 6.283151] 00:03:06.711 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'installd'... [ 6.283868] 00:03:06.712 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'keystore'... [ 6.284491] 00:03:06.712 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'mediacodec'... [ 6.285183] 00:03:06.713 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'mediadrm'... [ 6.285895] 00:03:06.714 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'mediaextractor'... [ 6.286498] 00:03:06.714 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'media'... [ 6.286679] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 #@# Draw Display Area... [ 6.286699] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 #@# DBuffer: d9b34000... [ 6.286714] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 #@# transp.offset: 24... [ 6.286727] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 #@# red.offset: 0... [ 6.286743] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 ##==> video_drawDisplayArea(593): GDMA_CreateGraphicWindow [ 6.286761] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 #@# create window, ret = 0 [ 6.286776] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 ##==> video_drawDisplayArea(619): GDMA_DrawGraphicWindow [ 6.286792] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 #@# draw window, ret = 10000000 [ 6.286814] 00:03:06.714 (1)-0201 #@# DONT PAN... [ 6.287110] 00:03:06.715 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'netd'... [ 6.287809] 00:03:06.715 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'screencapservice'... [ 6.288443] 00:03:06.716 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'tee'... [ 6.295236] 00:03:06.723 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'tvservice'... [ 6.296330] 00:03:06.724 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'rescue-update'... [ 6.296841] 00:03:06.724 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/bin/sensors.qcom' (No such file or directory), disabling 'sensors' [ 6.296897] 00:03:06.725 (2)-0001 init: cannot find '/system/bin/' (No such file or directory), disabling 'wcnss_init' [ 6.297222] 00:03:06.725 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'burnkey_init'... [ 6.297979] 00:03:06.726 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'gatekeeperd'... [ 6.312496] 00:03:06.740 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'perfprofd'... [ 6.348792] 00:03:06.776 (3)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.759:6): avc: denied { search } for pid=243 comm="mkdir" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.349122] 00:03:06.777 (3)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.759:7): avc: denied { search } for pid=243 comm="mkdir" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.351795] 00:03:06.779 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable': Permission denied [ 6.352417] 00:03:06.780 (2)-0001 init: Service 'rescue-update' (pid 240) exited with status 2 [ 6.352615] 00:03:06.780 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor': Permission denied [ 6.352688] 00:03:06.780 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct': Permission denied [ 6.352774] 00:03:06.780 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions': Permission denied [ 6.352841] 00:03:06.780 (2)-0001 init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable': Permission denied [ 6.374201] 00:03:06.802 (0)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.789:8): avc: denied { search } for pid=246 comm="mkdir" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.374589] 00:03:06.802 (0)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.789:9): avc: denied { search } for pid=246 comm="mkdir" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.399597] 00:03:06.827 (0)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.809:10): avc: denied { search } for pid=222 comm="sh" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.455120] 00:03:06.883 (0)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.869:11): avc: denied { search } for pid=222 comm="sh" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.500342] 00:03:06.928 (0)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.909:12): avc: denied { search } for pid=250 comm="mkdir" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.532688] 00:03:06.960 (0)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.909:13): avc: denied { search } for pid=250 comm="mkdir" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.547121] 00:03:06.975 (2)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.959:14): avc: denied { search } for pid=251 comm="mkdir" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.573009] 00:03:07.001 (2)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998586.969:15): avc: denied { search } for pid=251 comm="mkdir" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.634357] 00:03:07.062 (2)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.049:16): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=252 comm="chmod" path="/data/realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.656203] 00:03:07.084 (2)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.059:17): avc: denied { search } for pid=222 comm="sh" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.656396] 00:03:07.084 (2)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.059:18): avc: denied { search } for pid=222 comm="sh" name="realtek" dev="mmcblk0p2" ino=60 scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.741167] 00:03:07.169 (2)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.149:19): avc: denied { create } for pid=241 comm="rtk_burn_key" name="str.txt" scontext=u:r:burnkey_init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:burnkey_init_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 [ 6.747380] 00:03:07.175 (2)-0001 init: Service 'burnkey_init' (pid 241) exited with status 0 [ 6.831774] 00:03:07.259 (0)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.219:20): avc: denied { read write } for pid=226 comm="cameraserver" name="sys-misc" dev="tmpfs" ino=170 scontext=u:r:cameraserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0 [ 6.856888] 00:03:07.285 (0)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.219:21): avc: denied { create } for pid=226 comm="cameraserver" name="rtdlog" scontext=u:r:cameraserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:tmpfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 [ 6.920844] 00:03:07.348 (1)-0255 ufsd: module license 'Commercial product' taints kernel. [ 6.920865] 00:03:07.349 (1)-0255 Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint [ 6.924383] 00:03:07.352 (1)-0255 ufsd: Unknown symbol jnl_op (err 0) [ 6.972089] 00:03:07.400 (3)-0199 healthd: No battery devices found [ 7.164459] 00:03:07.592 (1)-0255 jnl: driver (UFSD_HEAD lke_9.4.4_b2, LBD=ON) loaded at bf1ba000 [ 7.194532] 00:03:07.622 (1)-0255 ufsd: driver (UFSD_HEAD lke_9.4.4_b2, acl, ioctl, sd2(5), tr, dm, car) loaded at bf1cb000 [ 7.194532] NTFSJ support included [ 7.194532] exFAT support included [ 7.194532] Hfs+ support included [ 7.194532] Build_for__Realtek_RTD289X_k4.4.3_2016-09-20_lke_9.4.4_b2 [ 7.194553] 00:03:07.622 (1)-0255 ufsd Kernel .config hash: original 0x53e10cb2, current can't check. [ 7.308596] 00:03:07.736 (2)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.719:22): avc: denied { read write } for pid=237 comm="screencapservic" name="sys-misc" dev="tmpfs" ino=170 scontext=u:r:screencapservice:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0 [ 7.339761] 00:03:07.767 (1)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.749:23): avc: denied { read write } for pid=225 comm="audioserver" name="sys-misc" dev="tmpfs" ino=170 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0 [ 7.364515] 00:03:07.792 (3)-0207 [GPU][PVR_K] add dcmt protect address cma_addr=085d800000 phy_addr=5d800000 [ 7.364560] 00:03:07.792 (3)-0207 [PVR_K]total_ddr_size = 0x60000000 [ 7.386995] 00:03:07.815 (1)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998587.799:24): avc: denied { read write } for pid=225 comm="audioserver" name="md0" dev="tmpfs" ino=85 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_md_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0 [ 7.425860] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 func=SysSystemPrePowerState line=525 eNewPowerState=1 suspend [ 7.425896] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 func=SysSystemPostPowerState line=562 eNewPowerState=1 resume [ 7.425913] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 func=SysSystemPostPowerState line=564 eNewPowerState=1 resume [ 7.425932] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_DVFS[b8000448] 0x1c200017 [ 7.425951] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_DVFS[b8000448] 0x1c200014 [ 7.425969] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_DVFS[b8000448] 0x1c200015 [ 7.426032] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 func=GPU_CriticalRegister line=697 SYS_CLKEN1_reg=fb63bfee SYS_SRST1_reg=fb4fbfee [ 7.426051] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_PWR_CONFIG[b804e09c] 0x190 [ 7.426067] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_PWR_CONFIG[b804e090] 0x3 [ 7.426186] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_PWR_ST[b804e098] 0x3 [ 7.426203] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_CLKEN[b804e00c] 0x7 [ 7.426219] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_ENDIAN[b804e048] 0x1 [ 7.426235] 00:03:07.854 (2)-0207 GPU_RESET[b804e008] 0x1 [ 7.427041] 00:03:07.855 (2)-0207 [PVR_K]total_ddr_size = 0x60000000 [ 7.612184] 00:03:08.040 (2)-0207 FBDC on framebuffer enable:1 [ 7.612214] 00:03:08.040 (2)-0207 adf_fbdev_alloc_buffer fbdev_dmabuf id:0,vaddr:0xe3800000,paddr:0x5b800000 [ 7.850782] 00:03:08.278 (2)-0001 init: Starting service 'bootanim'... [ 7.853726] 00:03:08.281 (2)-0207 fbdev blank 0 0 [ 7.858070] 00:03:08.286 (3)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998588.269:25): avc: denied { getattr } for pid=289 comm="bootanimation" path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=8236 scontext=u:r:bootanim:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=0 /system/etc/[50][ 8.072835] 00:03:08.500 (0)-0235 ================== [gdmalogo][drivers/rtk_kdriver/gal/rtk_gdma.c][GDMA_ReceivePicture][10781] ================== : ./TvServer: not found [ 8.073933] 00:03:08.502 (3)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998588.489:26): avc: denied { read } for pid=201 comm="pvrsrvctl" name="modules" dev="proc" ino=4026532622 scontext=u:r:gpud:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 [ 8.074755] 00:03:08.502 (1)-0001 init: Service 'pvrsrvctl' (pid 201) exited with status 1 [ 8.079920] 00:03:08.508 (2)-0207 FBDC on framebuffer enable:1 [ 8.079954] 00:03:08.508 (2)-0207 adf_fbdev_alloc_buffer fbdev_dmabuf id:1,vaddr:0xe3ff3000,paddr:0x5bff3000 [ 8.194813] 00:03:08.622 (3)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998588.609:27): avc: denied { read write } for pid=234 comm="mediaserver" name="sys-misc" dev="tmpfs" ino=170 scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0 [ 8.223075] 00:03:08.651 (3)-0189 type=1400 audit(1356998588.619:28): avc: denied { read write } for pid=232 comm="mediadrmserver" name="sys-misc" dev="tmpfs" ino=170 scontext=u:r:mediadrmserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rtk_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0