state=0 Hit Esc or Tab key to enter console mode or rescue linux: 0 ------------can't find tmp/factory/recovery ------------We will Enter Recovery Rescue Watchdog: Disabled longqi 16:, offset:0x1cdffbe00, size=0x4000000 mount_point=/smarttv filesystem=v fat partname=smarttv type=bz2! SEC_FEATURE_SUPPORT=0x00000055. TRIM mode erasing...... (start=0x00000000 Press Space Key ** Invalid boot device ** ac_on_update_mac_address:3073 ac_on_update_mac_address ac_on_update_CI_key:3357 cikey.bin exist! No need CI key again! ac_on_update_hdcp_key:3236 Error: reading boot sector first_HDCP: reading hdcpwrited.used Error: reading boot sector hdcp_file_name=HDCP/ reading HDCP/ Error: reading boot sector read HDCP file fail ac_on_update_hdcp_key22:3296 Error: reading boot sector first_HDCP: reading hdcp2writed.used Error: reading boot sector hdcp_file_name=HDCP2/ reading HDCP2/ Error: reading boot sector read HDCP2 file fail ac_on_update_SN_key:3428 Error: reading boot sector first_SnKey: reading snkey.used Error: reading boot sector snkey_file_name=SnPlusKey/ reading SnPlusKey/ Error: reading boot sector file_fat_read failed!!!!! [abner] check_usb_into_factory_mode:2018 check_usb_into_factory_mode ** Invalid boot device ** stopping USB.. ----------- usb2_crt on(0) ----------- ----------- usb2_crt ----------- abner hikeen_boot_update_mode = 0, hikeen_boot_power_update = 0, boot_mode = 3 Start Boot Setup ... FW Table to 0x06800000, size=0x00000a00 (0x06800a00) FW Table fr 0x04000000, fw count: 50 [OK] fw_entry[0] offset = 0x8000 length = 0x1ab0df4 (paddings = 0x2800000) act_s ize = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[1] offset = 0x2808000 length = 0x1ff7c0 (paddings = 0x500000) act_ size = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[2] offset = 0x2d08000 length = 0x3d84d8 (paddings = 0x600000) act_ size = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[3] offset = 0x3308000 length = 0xa19a0 (paddings = 0xc00000) act_s ize = 0 part_num = 0 [OK] fw_entry[4] offset = 0x3f08000 length = 0x2a3000 (paddings = 0x800000) act_ size = 0 part_num = 0 Normal boot fw follow... vFlipEnable 0 boot_av->bRotate 0 Linux Kernel: FW Image to 0x00108000, size=0x01ab0df4 (0x01bb8df4) FW Image fr 0x04008000 (non-lzma) Audio FW 1: FW Image to 0xdeaddead, size=0x001ff7c0 (0xdecdd66d) FW Image fr 0x06808000 (non-lzma) Enter standby, skip this entry Video FW 1: FW Image to 0xdeaddead, size=0x003d84d8 (0xdeeb6385) FW Image fr 0x06d08000 (non-lzma) Enter standby, skip this entry TEE FW target_addr = 0x16008000 (skip) show raw video raw file ddr 0x84f00000 len 0x302a00 FW Image to 0x84f00000, size=0x002a3000 (0x851a3000) FW Image fr 0x07f08000 (non-lzma) Enter standby, skip this entry current avb status on do_avb_init success!!!!! current avb status on ## Android Verified Boot 2.0 version 1.1.0 sw sha256 ret 0 [Skip A] boot manual mode [Skip V] boot manual mode sw sha256 ret 0 [Skip K] boot manual mode (execute "go all") Enter console mode, disable watchdog ... Realtek> help Unknown command 'ðóhelp' - try 'help' Realtek> help avb - Provides commands for testing Android Verified Boot 2.0 functionality bdinfo - print Board Info structure bootr - boot realtek platform cp - copy file from dos filesystem into a dos filesystem cp_ddts - CP ddts test dcache - enable or disable data cache diseqc - DISEQC command description/usage dssinfo - print dss env - environment handling commands facro - FACTORY read-only sub system factory - FACTORY sub system fatinfo - print information about filesystem fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem fatlock - lock a dos filesystem fatls - list files in a directory (default /) fatunlock- unlock a dos filesystem fatwrite- write file into a dos filesystem fdisk - Create logical drives on the physical drive fw - select the specific firmware config from hikeentv go - start application at address 'addr' or start running fw help - print command description/usage hwmonitor- hw monitor setting i2c - i2c test icache - enable or disable instruction cache irda - irda - select irda protocol kboot - start kboot function layout - show flash layout loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode) logbuf - rtd logbuffer sub system loglevel- set console loglevel to env and bootcode will pass this value to kerne l ls - RenaRead a directory item md - memory display mkdir - Create a sub-directory mkfs - Create an FAT volume on the logical drive mmc - MMC sub system mtest - simple RAM read/write test mv - Rename/Move a file or sub-directory mw - memory write (fill) panel - select the specific panel config from panel array ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host print - print - turn on/off print message. pwm - PWM command description/usage pwminvert- set the pwminvert [on|off] reset - Perform RESET of the CPU rm - Remove a file or sub-directory rtkmmc - RTK MMC direct function saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage showvdq - showvdq - show vdq info sleep - delay execution for some time spanel - spanel - select panel stat - stat a dos file/directory swu - FW upgrade sub-system swuu - FW upgrade sub-system tftp - download image from TFTP server tftpput - TFTP put command, for uploading files to a server timelog - set the bootloader time log [on|off] tuner - tuner - select tuner model; uart2rbus- uart2rbus [off|on|on_0|on_1|on_2] usb - USB sub-system vsyncapad- vsyncapad [I2S|VGA] wdt - watch dog enable/disable write - write file into a dos filesystem Realtek>