4-4 7-3. FACTORY MODE This model has function that is named "FACTORY MODE" Factory Mode: LED color is usually yellow. Power Management function is non-operational. User Mode: LED color changes by an input condition of the sync signal. When the sync signal is input to both the horizontal and vertical, LED color is green. 7-4. FACTORY MODE SETTING 7-4-1 FACTORY MODE: OFF ON 1) Open the MENU(U),TAG7 - "DISPLAY MODE"(As below) 2) Press "RESET" and " "," " switch at once. 3) A "WARNING" will be displayed, then press "PROCEED" switch once. 4) LED indicator light turn to Yellow from Green. 7-4-2 FACTORY MODE ON OFF 1) When OSM MENU is displayed, press "EXIT" switch twice. Otherwise, press "EXIT" switch once. 2) A "WARNING" will be displayed, then press "EXIT" switch once. 3) LED indicator light turns to Green from Yellow. Set the factory mode to the ON condition before adjustment. Set the factory mode to OFF (User Mode) after completing.