Тест файерволов

04/02/2005 00:01
see att.

04/02/2005 01:09
Moshkin, можно линк на оригинал?
Кто хоче тест пусть попробует. http://www.pcinternetpatrol.com/downloads/pcaudit.exe
С форума http://www.flame.ws/index.php?showtopic=11404

04/02/2005 16:27
можно, и нужно : http://www.firewallleaktester.com/leaktest12.htm
примерно так :
Results of Advanced Port Scanner
TCP CONNECT scanning (scanned in 72 seconds)
We have scanned your computer' ports used by the most widespread trojan horses. Here is the description of possible ports' statuses:
"Stealthed" (by a firewall) -Means that your computer is invisible to others on the Internet and protected by a firewall or other similiar software;
"Closed" (non-stealthed) - means that this port is closed, but your computer is visible to others on the Internet that can be potentially dangerous;
"Open" - Means that this port is ready to establish (or has already established) a connection with remote address. It also means that your computer is vulnerable to attacks and could have been already hacked or infected by a trojan/backdoor;
Port: Status Service Description
2296 stealthed n/a n/a
9161 stealthed n/a n/a
9931 stealthed n/a n/a
12360 stealthed n/a n/a
17852 stealthed n/a n/a
19429 stealthed n/a n/a
27477 stealthed n/a n/a
27586 stealthed n/a n/a
28757 stealthed n/a n/a
30372 stealthed n/a n/a
30597 stealthed n/a n/a


All the ports we have scanned are Stealthed (by a firewall). So just continue following the fundamental security measures and regularly update your security software.

04/02/2005 20:08
Вроде одно и то же писали.

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