
imran khan
25/01/2013 03:06
I Restart this topic again
I let you know that i have the same fault as he mention in his post,
I also replace h.out,fbt,capacitor and dioad in this area, but its shorts h.output rapidly.
I replace 5 transistor and its short again..why?

ДОБАВЛЕНО 25/01/2013 04:22

And one more thing
Google translation not good for russain to english ,i can not understand many parts of this post or topic,can any one translate for me?

25/01/2013 03:31
imran khan, Ты скоро в свободное переберешься смех

25/01/2013 04:37
C6990 оказались бракованные или перетёртые.
Был такой же,. все перепроверил в итоге 6990 хоть и звонится нормю

imran khan
25/01/2013 04:47
Friends like you is help full

ДОБАВЛЕНО 25/01/2013 05:52

i tested and replace 5 times but short again with no result.

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