24/02/2019 09:28
Ingh ïèñàë:
sasha19722201, ñõåìó ñêà÷àé íà ýòî øàññè, òàì íà 11 ñòðàíèöå åñòü ìåòîä âõîäà â ñåðâèñíûé ðåæèì. Òàì è ïîïðàâèøü ïàíåëü.

ÄÎÁÀÂËÅÍÎ 24/02/2019 09:24

To enter into Factory Menu in case of “Factory Key” is disabled, please to follow below steps: - press Remote Control key “MENU” to display main menu - press the subsequence Remote Control keys “7”, “9”, “1” and “5” - press Remote Control key “MENU” to exit main menu - press Remote Control key “MENU” to display main menu again The main menu will display ”FACTCORY” at the last item To pop-up Factory Menu in case of “Factory Key” is enabled, please to follow below step: - press Remote Control key “Blue” To enable/disable “Factory Key”, please to follow below steps: - press Remote Control “OK” key to enter into “System” submenu - press Remote Control “RIGHT ”or “LEFT” key till “Factory Key” item - press Remote Control “OK” key to toggle mode To exit “Factory Menu”, press “Exit” key from Remote Control. To comeback to “Factory Menu” root when you are into a submenu: - press Remote Control “RED” key.
Áîëüøîå ñïàñèáî çà ïîìîùü ---ïîïðîáóþ îòïèøóñü

2.2. Entering to “P” Mode

To enter into “P” mode, an external serial 3.3VDC device is required for sending relevant commands. See appendixp “Serial Command Protocol for MTKxx”.

ÄÎÁÀÂËÅÍÎ 24/02/2019 09:26

sasha19722201, òû ñàì õîòü ÷òî òî ïðîáîâàë èñêàòü èëè ñðàçó çà ïîìîùüþ? http://archive.espec.ws/redirect.php?dlid=27698

24/02/2019 12:51
Íèêàê íå ïîëó÷àåòñÿ âîéòè â ñåðâèñíîå ìåíþ---- ìåíþ 7951 íå ðàáîòàåò òàê êàê è âêë îòêë êëþ÷à îê âïðàâî âëåâî

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