ESpec - мир электроники для профессионалов

A leading distributor of electronic components worldwide

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Сообщение #1 от 04/04/2019 10:31 цитата  

A leading distributor of electronic components worldwide since 2009,
dealing with integrated circuits, diodes, triodes, capacitors, resistors, transistors, LED chips, and PCB, strong in TI AD MICROCHIP XILINX ALTERA, etc.

We offer products for not only components currently in production, but also for obsolete parts. We strive to provide quality products and competitive pricing to all our customers overseas, also we do our best to provide solutions to all customers needs.

For all of our products, we offer a 1year warranty,
We have a nice reputation in EUROPE.ASIA.MIDDLE EAST.
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a leading distributor of electronic components worldwide

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