Sony DVP-SR520 unlock child lock Needed

imran khan
13/11/2013 18:48
Hello all
A friend of mine stuck in sony DVP_SR520 DVD player,The set went in Child Lock or T lock and he could not found any reasonable solution to resolve the problem.

Please provide service manual and Parental code for unlocking the unit.

ДОБАВЛЕНО 13/11/2013 16:13

Привет всем
Мой друг застрял в DVP_SR520 Sony DVD-плеер, набор вошли Блокировка от детей или T замок и он не мог найти ни одного разумного решения, чтобы решить проблему.

Пожалуйста, руководством по эксплуатации и Родительский код для разблокировки устройства.

14/11/2013 00:13
Hello All. Через переводчик что-то плохо звучит.

14/11/2013 00:35
imran khan, use the remote control for find lock function in main menu.

Player requires the password?

imran khan
14/11/2013 15:10
Requires Password for unlocking улыбка

14/11/2013 15:39
imran khan,
Put a clean memory chip EEPROM.

imran khan
14/11/2013 17:06
USB works good .

Tray is Lock (T.lock) Screen Display shows Locked when i try to press eject button.

14/11/2013 17:54
imran khan, I'm sorry, but i can't understand you completely.
I understand that you have a problem with tray ejecting. Right?
What diagnostics actions you have already produced?
According to our conference rules, you must give information about your diagnostics.
Descriptions of your problem only, will be delete.

imran khan
16/11/2013 18:10
I enter 4 digit code 0000 and reset factory setting of DVD player but could not help me.
Its still appear Tray Lock or T.lock.

17/11/2013 07:26
imran khan, reinstall firmware. Rambler's Top100 –ейтинг