Помогите выбрать беззеркальный фотоаппарат

04/09/2021 11:44

Ищу небольшую и относительно дешевую беззеркальную камеру. Цена корпуса должна составлять около 1 000 долларов. Он должен снимать видео как минимум в 4K, с хорошей автофокусировкой, без слишком большого кадрирования, предпочтительно с максимальным кадрированием 1,6x в 4K, а также он должен быть очень портативным.

Я смотрел на canon eos m6 mk2 или sony a6400. У вас есть какие-нибудь рекомендации для меня?

06/09/2021 08:51
hello, I am planning to take it a bit more seriously with photography so instead of a decent smartphone I think I will move to a camera. I used to have a Nikon D3000 at 10MP about 10-12yrs back, that I quickly abandonned because of its weight and size - I had my smartphone that covered my needs quite well. Until the time I decided to take pictures of the moon and the starlit sky. And then I realized I am in the mood of developing my -poor- skills. So I am in search of a mirrorless camera, as they are significantly smaller than DSLR. I would go for the smaller size possible, but I think viewfinder is quite important, to shoot in broad sunlight -I live in a country with sunlight all year round. I would go for an option with no more than 700-800euros. I am not interested in videos and vlogging - just pictures.

I am asking you:

1. is viewfinder as indispensable as i think it is, to sacrifice dimensions and lightness of the camera?

2. Which camera would you recommend for me?

3. Is there really a difference in this category between a mirrorless camera and an expensive smartphone? I

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