Help identifying SOT23-5 DC-DC IC

16/01/2018 03:11
I’ve checked Yuritsh excellent thread with no luck.

Package: SOT23-5
Marking: AD2RC

Coil (SW) is connected to pin 3.
Input voltage (3.3V) goes to pin 4.
Ground goes to pin 2.
Feedback (FB) I guess is pin 5, because there’re two adjusting resistors there.
Pin 1 has 4.45V

No diodes or transistors in circuit. Output voltage is 1.2V, so it’s a step-down or buck regulator.

16/01/2018 03:34
Chungalin писал:
no luck
Херово проверял.

SY8009A.rar 6.45 КБ Скачано: 3 раз(а)

16/01/2018 14:50
Yuritsh писал:
Херово проверял.

Sorry, I searched for AD2 instead of just AD. недовольство, огорчение
Thanks! классно!

I had another one to look, with marking S15A3, but I won’t fall again into the same error. It’s a APS2415.

But the best of all is that I think I can replace a SY8009A with a APS2415, which is the final question I was trying to answer!! Rambler's Top100 –ейтинг