LED SAMSUNG UE40EH5000W нет изображения, звук есть.

imran khan
05/10/2013 20:14
T-con BN-9500570B

LED t.v comes to my working desk for no display but sound is good,when i check inside the television,I found 5 burnt resistors in T-con board.

Any one have the schematic diagram of T-con board?

Thanks in advance

Пришел в ремонт LED-телевизор с проблемой - нет изображения, но есть звук. После вскрытия, обнаружено 5 подгоревших резисторов на T-con .
Есть-ли схема T-Con?
Спасибо заранее.

Ред. B.B.

05/10/2013 20:22
imran khan, схемы нет.
imran khan писал:
T-con BN-9500570B


imran khan
05/10/2013 20:55
yes sure t-con is BN950057B

Иван Зенин
05/10/2013 21:06
imran khan, show us the photo of problem area. Howewer, if resistors are burn - the reason is exsist.

imran khan
07/10/2013 15:42
Here is a picture of t-con board that I took from www.ebay.com web site

when i upload picture on your web site its show the message

The application must be less than 1200 pixels wide and 1200 pixels tall
Sorry, you have reached the maximum quota limit of downloads: 10 MB

ДОБАВЛЕНО 07/10/2013 12:58

Board Number(s): BN97-06362B
Substitute Parts: BN95-00570A
Compatible Models: Samsung HG40NA570LFXZA
Samsung HG40NA577LFXZA
Samsung HG40NA578LFXZA
Samsung HG40NA590LFXZA
Samsung HG40NA593LFXZA
Samsung UN40EH5000FXZA
Samsung UN40EH5050FXZA
Samsung UN40EH5300FXZA

07/10/2013 16:20
imran khan, без фото мы не сможем тебе помочь.
На нашем сайте размер фото не должен превышать 630 пикселей в высоту и 900 пикселей в ширину.

P.S. Такой у тебя T-con?

imran khan
07/10/2013 17:14
Yes its looks like


07/10/2013 17:19
Этот T-con = BN41-01797A Вот и укажи на нем подгоревшие резисторы.

imran khan
07/10/2013 17:22
Sorry, you have reached the maximum quota limit of downloads: 10 MB

ДОБАВЛЕНО 07/10/2013 14:27

i am unable to uplaod mine picture of T-con board here....

07/10/2013 17:30
Тема для увеличения квоты, http://monitor.espec.ws/section19/topic61225.html

imran khan
08/10/2013 15:35
Today i can not download any file but the error shows to me here

Sorry, you have reached the maximum quota limit of downloads: 10 MB

imran khan
09/10/2013 20:32
Here is a test points of t-con

Red Dot have no power supply
Green Dot have 12v+

ДОБАВЛЕНО 09/10/2013 17:47

Here is a test points of t-con

Red Dot have no power supply
Green Dot have 12v+


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