Plasma or LCD which has tougher screen?

25/04/2018 12:57

I bought a Samsung LCD TV ( 4665F ) last year and the screen cracked when my Kid threw a toy. While I am not expecting neither PLASMA nor LCD to handle flying objects, in general i want to know which has a tougher screen. I have been seeing a lot more LCD TV cracking problems. Recently I have seen a an email in our company internal email list, stating LCD TV cracked during the house move. While I like the Samsung's I am mot sure, I should go for them. We want to buy some decent TV again, but are not quite sure, whether we should buy an LCD or Plasma.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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Иван Зенин
25/04/2018 13:27
Undoubtedly, the plasma is stiffer.

25/04/2018 15:41
JohnHale, Plasma is stronger, but consumes more energy. подшучивать, дразнить

25/04/2018 15:43
JohnHale, and in repair is more expensive улыбка Rambler's Top100 –ейтинг