RCA Projection Model R56WH78

imran khan
02/12/2014 20:03
Hello and Nice to meet all My Friends

I need Schematc diagram,service manual for above RCA Projection T.V.
When i trun it on its shows green L.E.D on front for just 5 sec,No screen and no sound.

02/12/2014 20:06
imran khan, Пора учить русский язык подмигивание

imran khan
02/12/2014 20:41
Thank you friend
I understand thats how i am here :D

02/12/2014 20:43
It's time to learn Russian

imran khan
02/12/2014 20:49
I use translation of google

02/12/2014 21:21
Тему переношу там где она должна быть.

imran khan
04/12/2014 02:09
Yes you are right my friend
work is most important for me,If any one have repair data tips please upload here with schematic.

ДОБАВЛЕНО 03/12/2014 23:12

Might be the same as zenith_zp26-28 Model.

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