3.5" TFT Display working with Raspbian but not with Ret

17/05/2018 06:53

I'll start with saying that this is my first Pi project. I'm a Windows monkey, so getting used to Pi-World.
I am trying to get a 3.5" TFT LCD display working (via GPIO) with RetroPie 3.2. I have installed the display driver on both a RetroPie SD card and Raspbian SD card.
The LCD will display the Raspbian desktop screen correctly (with touch enabled too) but on RetroPie card it will only show text in a console screen (but not the 'usable' console that you can type in like when you SSH into the device), when a HDMI screen (TV) is attached that will show the expected Retropie/EmulationStation screen.
Can anyone help solve this problem? I've tried the 'fbcp' route, but i suspect i'm doing it wrong.
The display is a 3.5" KeDei SPI TFT LCD V2, 480x320. Cheap from eBay. If it couldn't get it working at all then I wouldn't be posting this, but as it works on one but not on the other I think I need some help.

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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