Dell inspiron N5010 erratic shut down

Mohamed Kamel
25/04/2014 02:07
Dell inspiron N5010 intel platform has erratic shut down issues, sometimes at P.O.ST screen, others long time after windows login.

Steps already taken :
-Fan cleaned, new paste added for CPU and GPU
-Ram and Hard drive tested ok-

Did anyone experience this situation with N5010 or have any clue as where to dig further ?

A prompt reply should be largely appreciated.

Thank you

25/04/2014 05:12
Write a post code in which the stop.

Mohamed Kamel
27/04/2014 18:28
As mentioned, lap shuts down erratically : either at different stages of post screen or during (or after) logging to windows and that complicates the issue.

Heat is normal

28/04/2014 22:26
than the temperature measured?

29/04/2014 00:32
Mohamed Kamel, is ME-Region in BIOS clear (new)? Try to translate: RadioTOP Rambler's Top100 –ейтинг