HP PAVILLON DV6 with display fail

Mohamed Kamel
25/04/2014 02:27
Hp pavilion Dv6 has neither internal nor external display.
Fan is running, hard drive spinning.

Steps taken :
Tried with only mobo and new ram to no avail.

Is DV6 prone to graphic problem, same as DV 6000-9000...series?

Any suggestion as where to dig further is welcome.

Thank you

Platform : DAOQT8MB6GO REV: G

25/04/2014 05:18
The operating system boots? If so, change the GPU.

Mohamed Kamel
27/04/2014 18:42
Further steps taken : I reflowed GPU and NB and Display came. Will see if it's a momentary or a permanent fix.

28/04/2014 22:24
it will not work for long. but you vysnilos cause. chip must be replaced.

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