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Chassis U91A
VD-5565EU22BC6LV0.1 T-con
BN41-02076A BN94-06621A BN94-06666A FRC BOARD FOR UN55F9000 55" TV
BN41-01950C BN94-07229 Main board
L65D2L BN44-00675A Power
Ic 1902 = 24c512
Ic 3701 = 25Q128
Ic 3301 = 25Q128
Code : BN41-02038D
Model : BN41-02038
Defect: the TV turns on and asks for the One-Connect connection, once connected, it goes into a continuous loop, the Smart TV writing appears, for a few seconds and the boot cycle starts again from the beginning.
I'm trying to enter service mode (INFO-Menu-MUTE-POWER ON), to load the firmware from USB and enable the SUBMICOM UPGRADE option to ON, an operation already performed with other Samsung models, but on this TV there is no way to enter service.
I also tried the MENU-182-POWER ON sequence, but when you press button 1 the TV turns on.
Using a serial RS 232 cable with Hyperterminal I have the following log, which I attach
Thanks for the advice.
log TV senza box.txt 16.06 КБ Скачано: 23 раз(а)
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SyM писал: | резко забыл испанский ,а ранее знал русский ( оцените слог)
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