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PHILIPS 42PFL5405H/12 Шасси (Main Board): Q552.1E LA

  Список форумов » LCD-телевизоры и плазменные панели

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Сообщения: 3
Сообщение #1 От 09/01/2017 00:34 цитата  

hello all to forum i need help i have lcd philips42pfl5405h/12 chasis q552.1e la and have problem i repair this lcd on psu changed diode uf4007,and cap 100pf1kv,now i got stby 3,27v for motherboard but have problem on spi flash st25p05(too hoot) internaly short insaide flash,i was programed new dump with remont-aud-net site with good(I THINK??) dump,now tv works ok show picture ,tone ok,remote work ok,but when i shutting down on remote turn off normally but doesn¨t have red light!!!i have tested this small pcb(on front bezzell) where is lamp led red small and test all parts lamp is ok!!everything is ok on this pcb,now i am stuck what to the test??what triger thats small lamp to turn on when is tv on stby-mode (ps i have 3,3v on one side)i am totaly confused please can some can help me to repair my lcd?thanks a lot zoran
Сообщения: 264
Сообщение #2 От 09/01/2017 02:06 цитата  

zkova178 писал:
but when i shutting down on remote turn off normally but doesn¨t have red light!!!

This is something you are stopping? улыбка
Сообщения: 3
Сообщение #3 От 09/01/2017 16:08 цитата  

thanks for replay,please can somebady help me where is stored blinking led impulse or stby led is stored in NVM24C64 MSOP-8???

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