I need power supply board schematic of Grundig

imran khan
05/05/2013 20:14
Grundig 30LW76-4501
Chassis L4
Anyone has a schematic of power
board Please,R82,R41,R42,&Q7 burnt
beyond recognition,any help is

Уважаю спецов
05/05/2013 20:39
Человек с пакистана пишет на сей форум, на английском пишет, ищет схему на телик, кто поможет? Пипец аж с пакистана!

05/05/2013 20:41
imran khan,chassis BEKO -L4 30inch This power adapter 15V / 4A?

imran khan
05/05/2013 23:52
Уважаю спецов Thank you for explain my words in forum..
A friend of mime from U.k ask me about the schmatic of grunding lcd tv power supply.
Can any one help me here?

ДОБАВЛЕНО 06/05/2013 01:04

R82,R41,R42,& Q7
i need value of above

Уважаю спецов
06/05/2013 18:03
Не зашто imran khan, Но сомневаюсь што кто то здесь тебе поможет, долгое молчание это доказывает, eduard2, Вы начали неплохо, помогите человеку

07/05/2013 00:47
imran khan писал:
Grundig 30LW76-4501
Chassis L4
Anyone has a schematic of power
mran khan , foto power supply . Нужны фотографии блока питания с двух сторон .

imran khan
07/05/2013 01:02
eduard2 help me a lot here and other friends too..i do not have pictures of above power supply.

07/05/2013 01:12
imran khan, so what? Make photos both sides yourself.

ДОБАВЛЕНО 07 Май 2013, 01:20

We need know main compound of your power board.

07/05/2013 01:38
imran khan, well the board has any inscriptions? (And I'm not talking about what a driver is, and what the key to this adapter?) I understand flew key (FET) resistors (current sensors) and if so then the driver (PWM) also spoiled sense to look for the scheme? the more I do not, my advice is buy a new adapter, or use a donor with the same parameters such (and write in Russian)

imran khan
07/05/2013 11:31
Thank you for supporting me here.

imran khan
10/05/2013 17:57
Grundig 30WLB500Sas the IC is
FA13843 r82 is 1k r41 is47ohms r42 is
10k also Q7 smd code 1P is an
2N2222Aand the power fet on the top
of the board is a n channel 06N80C3 all burnt.

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