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Фанат форума
Сообщения: 5386
..ну все. твоему телефону, можеш обращятся к за бубном, если , возможно он откроет тебе тайну , где бубен есть.
без бубна будеш долго , пока не научишся
Сообщения: 412
voffka, душевно ответил,прямо в тему.
Добавлено Январь 29 2007
voffka, душевно ответил,прямо в тему.
Добавлено Январь 29 2007
voffka, душевно ответил,прямо в тему. |
спасибо сандро, вовка
Добавлено 01/02/2007 15:15
Write 187 EELITE blocks...
Write 199 EEFULL blocks...
EELITE Info: free buffer 1118 bytes, free at all 49620 bytes, free for deleted 49620 bytes.
Warning: Use Defrag EEP! Small free EELITE buffer!
EEFULL Info: free buffer 43916 bytes, free at all 87224 bytes, free for deleted 21832 bytes.
Write 386 EEPROM blocks - Ok.
вот что за фигня! |
Сообщения: 3187
zloi,ты дай весь лог,а не две строчки. |
Loading ServiceBoot...
Sending ServiceBoot Ok.
BFB Speed 115200 Baud - Ok.
HWID: 230 (A65)
A65 lg98 Sw10 16.12.04 10:06:13
IMEI: 354496009262975
DisplayID: 34, Sharp Hynix HM17CM4101
Code(05): OTP closed
Code(08): BootKEY is unknown
Code(0D): Keys are registered in BCORE
Code(10): Minimal access to BFB
Code(15): Complete condition
Code(19): Monitoring is switched on
Code(1D): Blocks 5121,5122,5123 are present
Battery Voltage 4003 mV.
SecurityMode: Customer
Open "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (4)\A65lg98Sw10_All_070120210421.eep" file...
File used HWID: 230 (A65)
The file contains 386 EEP of blocks.
EELITE Info: free buffer 49228 bytes, free at all 49620 bytes, free for deleted 49620 bytes.
EEFULL Info: free buffer 87012 bytes, free at all 87224 bytes, free for deleted 21832 bytes.
Phone HWID: 230 (A65)
Write 187 EELITE blocks...
Write 199 EEFULL blocks...
EELITE Info: free buffer 33452 bytes, free at all 49620 bytes, free for deleted 49620 bytes.
Warning: Use Defrag EEP! Small free EELITE buffer!
EEFULL Info: free buffer 44064 bytes, free at all 87224 bytes, free for deleted 21832 bytes.
Write 386 EEPROM blocks - Ok.
Добавлено 04/02/2007 14:44
после Defrag EEP выходит следуюшие:
Loading ServiceBoot...
Sending ServiceBoot Ok.
BFB Speed 115200 Baud - Ok.
HWID: 230 (A65)
A65 lg98 Sw10 16.12.04 10:06:13
IMEI: 354496009262975
DisplayID: 34, Sharp Hynix HM17CM4101
Code(05): OTP closed
Code(08): BootKEY is unknown
Code(0D): Keys are registered in BCORE
Code(10): Minimal access to BFB
Code(15): Complete condition
Code(19): Monitoring is switched on
Code(1D): Blocks 5121,5122,5123 are present
Battery Voltage 3998 mV.
SecurityMode: Customer
Backup EEPROM blocks...
SecurityMode: Customer
Work only in FactoryMode! Use Skey!
HWID: 230 (A65)
EELITE Info: free buffer 33452 bytes, free at all 49620 bytes, free for deleted 49620 bytes.
Warning: Use Defrag EEP! Small free EELITE buffer!
EEFULL Info: free buffer 86864 bytes, free at all 87224 bytes, free for deleted 21832 bytes.
Read All EELITE blocks from 1 to 307 ...
Read All EEFULL blocks from 5000 to 5439 ...
Считано всего EEP блоков: 386 шт.
Backup Blocks saved in ".\Backup\A65lg98Sw10_Backup070204133930.eep" file.
Format EELITE...
EELITE Info: free buffer 65360 bytes, free at all 65392 bytes, free for deleted 65392 bytes.
Write 187 EELITE blocks...
Format EEFULL...
EEFULL Info: free buffer 87012 bytes, free at all 87224 bytes, free for deleted 21832 bytes.
Write 199 EEFULL blocks...
EELITE Info: free buffer 49588 bytes, free at all 49620 bytes, free for deleted 49620 bytes.
EEFULL Info: free buffer 44064 bytes, free at all 87224 bytes, free for deleted 21832 bytes.
Defrag EEPROM blocks - Ok.
Open "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (4)\A65lg98Sw10_All_070120210421.eep" file...
File used HWID: 230 (A65)
The file contains 386 EEP of blocks.
EELITE Info: free buffer 49588 bytes, free at all 49620 bytes, free for deleted 49620 bytes.
EEFULL Info: free buffer 44064 bytes, free at all 87224 bytes, free for deleted 21832 bytes.
Phone HWID: 230 (A65)
Write 187 EELITE blocks...
Write 199 EEFULL blocks...
Not create block 5013! Retry...
Not create block 5013!
EELITE Info: free buffer 33784 bytes, free at all 49620 bytes, free for deleted 49620 bytes.
Warning: Use Defrag EEP! Small free EELITE buffer!
EEFULL Info: free buffer 43838 bytes, free at all 87224 bytes, free for deleted 21832 bytes.
Write 386 EEPROM blocks - Ok.
Добавлено 04/02/2007 14:45
призагрузки радного епрома выхолит следуюшие
Not create block 5013! Retry...
Not create block 5013! |
Сообщения: 3187
zloi, фулл влей,потом рекалк.
Чё ты этого епрома вцепился... |
спасибки всё ок. в motorola L7 неработают клавиши 2,4,6,7,8 что можно зделать? |
Сообщения: 1055
Сообщения: 894
НУ бля ты и даёш решил все в одной теме отрихтовать . |