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imran khan
TV Philips 25PT5016/56 chassis L01.1A.
TV runs with 5 to 10 sec and goes shutdown. (No L.E.D indication and goes off)
The processor use (TDA95xx)
I saw other posts in this forum but still did not found any good solution regarding the above chassis.
I check transistors 7443, 7450, 7441 with no help.
When i chanage programs up and down sets works fine in this condition.
Screen G2 adjustment was made with no success. |
imran khan
Телевизор Philips 25PT5016/56,
шасси L01.1A.TV работает с 5 до
10 секунд и идет отключение. (Нет
Светодиодная индикация и
уходит) использование
процессора (TDA95xx) я видел другие сообщения в этом форуме,
но до сих пор не найдено
никаких хороших Решение
относительно вышеупомянутых
шасси. Я проверяю транзисторы
7443, 7450, 7441 без помощи. Когда я chanage программам
вверх и вниз устанавливает
отлично работает в этом
condition.Screen G2 регулировка
была сделана без успеха. |
imran khan
Now talk about the problem and soiution.
ДОБАВЛЕНО 13/02/2013 12:06
shutdown time is fixed and its about 5 sec when displaying the image and went off. |
imran khan
I found this document and i don't no its works in my case.
Here it is
this proablem occure for many reason.
1:have to adjust g2 voltage
properly.normaly 21 inch tv it should be 290 volts with a standerd
digital meter.
2:chake pin no 69 of uoc for protectin it should not be below 3.2 volt.
3:also chake pin no 80 of uoc for key protiction.also in no 57 and 54 for 1k and bcl .57 pin voltage
6.8 and 54 2.7-3.4above it set will be in protection.
3:riplace pair of driver transistor
bc327 and 337 with original type.
4:chake 5 v at tr 7406 collector if not its eht over current.
5:replace v gurd pair transistor bc857. |
Фанат форума
Сообщения: 9737
imran khan, L01.1A. - это шасси описано вдоль и поперёк! Если нет на англицком - учи русский!
Тюнер менял? (усе идиоты сперва крупные детали меняют , да простит меня боже! ) |
imran khan
Come to the topic please and i don't understand what you want to say.? |
imran khan
swap the main board with other philips tv and its works good.
Phi.jpg 127.94 КБ Скачано: 433 раз(а)
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Сообщения: 9737
And why the photo - we that this chassis is not seen? You have to learn Russian. Tuner -? |
imran khan
I modify the Heater supply for faulty CRT
Internal short found on BK to G1
Trick works and the above tv set works fine now.
Phi modi.jpg 160.87 КБ Скачано: 446 раз(а)
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Сообщения: 9737
Well, so what's the problem? |
imran khan
TV works good after one houre testing. |