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Sony FE-2-моргает 2 раза

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Сообщения: 307
Сообщение #1 От 22/12/2005 21:32 цитата  

по сервису вроде ошибка ОСР"предельный ток СР".Всё проверил,сгоревших,потемневших участков нет.До отключения работает пару минут нормально.Как определить как считывается эта ошибка?
Сообщения: 1648
Сообщение #2 От 23/12/2005 09:29 цитата  

galls, а кто сказал, что обязательно будет заметно визуально ? Как HOT, FBT, ОС, кондеры ???
Сообщения: 307
Сообщение #3 От 23/12/2005 11:32 цитата  

пройдясь по форумам понял что причиной этой ошибки в 80% является обрыв или увеличение сопротивления R618=270kOm.У меня он оказался 480kOm,сейчас заменю-поставлю на прогон.Кстати вот рекомендации по ремонту Сони:
Sony FE2 Blinks twice at sw on - otherwise dead Signifies excess current - replace R618 270k & sus LOPTx if fault persists (pt no 859883440)
Sony FE2 Entering service mode Sw to st/by, press "I", 5, Vol- & TV buttons
Sony FE2 LED flashing 11 times replace BU2515DX & Resolder DJs on Line Drive Tx.
Sony FE2 Line tearing, ragged verticals, arcing noise. incorrectly fitted EHT lead at the LOPT end. Follow bulletin reference TV05900 for correct fitting.
Sony FE2 Reverts to st/by at sw on with 2 or 5 flashes from LED 5 flashes indicates an AKB error (Grey Scale Correction). This is normally due to LOP shut down & there is no EHT or sec line volts. Normally due to faulty R618 (270K ohm). This res is in the current sensing cct & could
therefore potentially give you an over-current error (2 flashes).
Sony FE2 KV14LM1U etc LED flashes 5 times - sound but no pic aft initial EHT rush R618 270k in current sensing cct - roughly centre of board close to Q602
Sony FE2 KV21LT1U Prot mode activated (5 flashes - unstable AKB) R618 270k o/c
Sony FE2 KV28DX40U Sound absent (analogue) Dry joints CN4101
Sony FE2 KV28LS35 Trips R618 270K in the current sensing network had risen to 580K.
Sony FE2 KV28LS35U Dead with 11 flashes of LED (supply down) Replace LOPTX Sony part No. 145330841 (£22.40p) and fit H-out FE2 28" & 32" + TV045
Transistor Kit (£2.01p) also check R517, R516 and R518. the resitors in the kit are to be put into positions 10 ohm 2Watt position R550, 2k2 position R551, and 0.22 ohm 2Watt remove wire link position R549
Sony FE2 KV28LS35U Dead with LOPTr BU2515DX-127 s/c Pt no 872904908 -when replaced LED flashes 2x, (excess current), R618 270k 1/2w hi res
Sony FE2 KV29LS30U dead with LOPTr BU2515DX s/c H-out serv kit" part no. 9-948-014-40 fitted, but when sw on, arcing LOPTx 859883440; Micro IC001 pin 54 was s/c, SMD D505 s/c, SMD D507 s/c making repair uneconomic (Parts almost £100)
Sony FE2 KV32DX40U Dead- no st/by 5v Q601 2SA1037AK U/S on A board.Part No 872902649
Sony FE2 KV32LS35U Blank raster, no sound or osd or scart - led blinks when rxing R/C commands Could be in "Ageing" mode - press TV (square screen) button on hset to exit
Sony FE2 KV32LS35U Dead - LOPTr blown - mod kit available H out service kit 9-948-014-40
Sony KV28LS35U Burst of EHT then shutdown with error code 2 flashes of red LED R618 270 k ohm gone high or o/c
Sony KV28LS35U Dead apart from LED flashing 11 times This should indicate the 8v supply to jungle chip missing, but PSU was dead - power factor corr choke o/c
Sony KV28LS35U Reverts to st/by aft initial rush of EHT, LED blinks twice Over-current error caused by R618 270k in current sensing hi res
Sony KV28LS35U FE2 Reverts to st/by with 2 flashes error code aft initial eht rush with R618 270 k ohm gone high or o/c
Sony KV29LS30 Dead - LED flashes 11 times LOPTr BU2515DX s/c - dry joints line dr trfmr
Sony KV29LS30U Blank raster with sound & osd aft LOPTr replacement D021, D505 & D507 sm leaky/s/c in beam lim cct
Sony KV29LS30U Dead apart from LED flashing 11 times This should indicate the 8v supply to jungle chip missing, but dry joints upper chopper Tr was the cause
Sony KV29LS30U Dead with LOPTr s/c Fitted Loptx aft replacement LOPTr & kit pt no 145330831 went s/c at sw on
Sony KV29LS30U FE2 Dead with LOPTr s/c - caused by LOPTx arcing also taken the Micro IC001 pin 54 was s/c, smd D505 s/c, smd D507 s/c making repair uneconomic

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