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samsung 226cw had inverted picture

  Список форумов » TFT-мониторы

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imran khan 
Сообщения: 199
imran khan
Сообщение #1 От 01/01/2013 21:23 цитата  

Samsumg lcd monitor
Model code.Ls22mexsfvx
Monitor Had invert picture like
negative and i also note one more
point that screen is white(should be black) with own OSD when i trun off
the windows Xp.
Now its looks sure faulty panel but for
research i need to talk Tech friends on
that i also seen in laptop screen.
see picture below. I need service manua and need to know how to repair panel in this fault?
Фанат форума
Сообщения: 7937
Сообщение #2 От 01/01/2013 22:03 цитата  

OSD too a negative, or is normal?

Photograph the screen.
Insert into the message.
Старший модератор
<B>Старший модератор</B>
Сообщения: 10199
Сообщение #3 От 01/01/2013 22:09 цитата
imran khan 
Сообщения: 199
imran khan
Сообщение #4 От 02/01/2013 00:41 цитата  

osd also negative
imran khan 
Сообщения: 199
imran khan
Сообщение #5 От 02/01/2013 02:11 цитата  

Samsumg lcd monitor
Model code.Ls22mexsfvx
Monitor Had invert picture like
negative and i also note one more
point that screen is white(should be black) with own OSD when i trun off
the windows Xp.
Now its looks sure faulty panel but for
research i need to talk Tech friends on
that i also seen in laptop screen.
see picture below. I need service manua and need to know how to
repair panel in this fault?

inverted pic in all mode also in own osd picture is inverted

Старший модератор
<B>Старший модератор</B>
Сообщения: 10199
Сообщение #6 От 02/01/2013 11:38 цитата  

Measure the voltages on board LCD panel.
You do not know the Russian language?
imran khan 
Сообщения: 199
imran khan
Сообщение #7 От 02/01/2013 13:20 цитата  

Can you put here basic panel testing voltages?Did you know panel repairing?

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